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Rule and Implementation Information for Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations

  • Final Risk and Technology Review for Offsite Waste and Recovery Operations
    March 18, 2015 – EPA published the final rule requirements for emission points at facilities that receive certain wastes, used oil, or used solvents from off-site locations for storage, treatment, recovery, or disposal at the facility.


To access docket information, see www.regulations.gov and search for docket A-92-16

On this page:

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

Subpart DD- National Emission Standards for Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations

Date Citation Action Description File Download
03/18/15 80 FR 14248 Final Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants - Residual Risk and Technology Review
07/02/14 79 FR 37850 Proposed Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants - Residual Risk and Technology Review
07/01/00 40 CFR 63 subpart DD Complete Rule 40 CFR 63 subpart DD
07/01/96 61 FR 34139 Final Rule Final Rule:Subparts OO, PP, QQ, and RR
07/20/99 64 FR 38950 Direct final rule; amendments to rule Amend specific provisions, correct technical omissions, correct typographical, printing, and grammatical errors
07/20/99 64 FR 38993 Proposed Rule Amend specific provisions, correct technical omissions, correct typographical, printing, and grammatical errors

NOTES: All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) files unless otherwise indicated.

Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance

Rule Amendments-Redline/Strikeout version Changes to rule highlighted

Technical Information

Background Information Document (BID)/Response to comments

May 1996 Basis and Purpose Document for the Development of Final National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations (EPA-453/R-96-010b)


FACT Sheets

7/7/99 Fact Sheet: Amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant from Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations NESHAP
7/1/96 Summary of Regulation/ Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations NESHAP
7/1/96 Fact Sheet for the Final Air Toxics Regulation for Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations


Health/Risk Assessement Information

Implementation Information

Implementation Documents

7/5/99 Summary of Amendments to the Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations NESHAP
10/04/99 OSWRO Implementation Assistance Document- EPA-456/R-99-007
9/01/00 Off-site Waste and Recovery Operations-Interrelationship with other Related EPA Air Rules EPA-305-00-006, September 2000


Source Identification and Location Information

September 1998 Source Identification: List of Potential Sources and How to Find Others(EPA-456/R-98-006)


Permitting Information

Compliance and Enforcement Information

6/14/01 Draft Off-site Waste and Recovery Operations Inspection Checklist
-For comments/questions on the document,
contact Loren Denton at denton.loren@epa.gov
Determining Applicability




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