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Rule and Implementation Information for Plywood and Composite Wood Products Manufacture


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Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

Subpart DDDD - National Emission Standards for Plywood and Composite Wood Products Manufacture

Date Citation Action Description File Download
10/29/07 72 FR 61060 Final Rule On June 19, 2007, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (the Court) vacated EPA's provisions in the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Plywood and Composite Wood Products that established an October 1, 2008, compliance deadline and that created and delisted a low risk subcategory of plywood and composite wood products facilities. This action announces the Court's decision and promulgates ministerial amendments that will incorporate the Court's decision into the Code of Federal Regulations.
2/16/06 71FR8347 Final Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Plywood and Composite Wood Products; List of Hazardous Air Pollutants, Lesser Quantity Designations, Source Category List; Final Rule
7/29/05 70FR44012 Proposed Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Plywood and Composite Wood Products Manufacture: Proposed Rule
7/29/05 70FR43820 Notice National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Plywood and Composite Wood Products; List of Hazardous Air Pollutants, Lesser Quantity Designations, Source Category List; Reconsideration: Notice of reconsideration of final rule; request for public comment; notice of public hearing.
7/30/04 69FR45943 Final Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Plywood and Composite Wood Products Manufacture: Final Rule
1/9/03 68 FR 1275 Proposed Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Plywood and Composite Wood Products Manufacture: Proposed rule

NOTE:  All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) Federal Register files unless otherwise indicated.
You can also access full text of the Code of Federal Regulations at GPO e-CFR.

Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance

General Provisions, http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/gp/gppg.html. See 70 FR 43992



Archived Rule Development Information

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Technical Information

FACT Sheets

3/1/04 FACT SHEET FINAL RULE TO REDUCE TOXIC AIR EMISSIONS FROM Plywood and Composite Wood Products Manufacture
11/26/02 FACT SHEET PROPOSED RULE TO REDUCE TOXIC AIR EMISSIONS FROM Plywood and Composite Wood Products Manufacture


Background Documents and Information

02/2004 Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA)
11/22/02 Economic Impact Analysis (EIA)
02/2004 Background Information Document (BID)
7/15/99 List of Plants  
  Achived Rule Development Information

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Implementation Information

09/30/04 Plywood and Composite Wood Products NESHAP: Brochure

09/30/04 Plywood and Composite Wood Products NESHAP: Requirements
09/30/04 Plywood and Composite Wood Products NESHAP: Compliance Timeline
09/30/04 Plywood and Composite Wood Products NESHAP: Initial Notification


Example Notices and Reports

Example notification and report forms have been developed for sections 63.9 and 63.10 of part 63, Subpart A, General Provisions. You can find these example forms by going to the General Provisions rule page.

Although most standards reference sections 63.9 and 63.10 of the General Pprovisions for some or all of their notification and reporting requirements, please be aware that these General Provisions example forms are not intended to exactly match all the requirements of a specific standard. Specific standards may include or exclude General Provision requirements or can require additional information beyond Subpart A. For this reason, these example report forms developed under Subpart A should be treated as examples only and may be useful to users as a starting point for developing report forms that are facility- and MACT-specific.

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