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AP 42, Fifth Edition, Volume I
Chapter 9: Food and Agricultural Industries

9.0 Introduction to Food and Agricultural Industries
9.2 Growing Operations
9.2.1 Fertilizer Application
9.2.2 Pesticide Application
9.2.3 Orchard Heaters
9.3 Introduction to Harvesting Operations
9.3.1 Cotton Harvesting
9.3.2 Grain Harvesting
9.4 Livestock & Poultry Feed Operations
  At this time, there is no "AP-42 factor" or estimation method for this category. As would be the case even if there were an AP-42 method, users must evaluate their own application to determine the most appropriate method of estimating emissions. In the case of permits, sources are expected to use "best available data", not necessarily AP-42, to determine their emissions (see OAR's Memoranda for Operating Permits & New Source Review (Title V) Policy & Guidance Web site for permitting policies). As detailed in the Introduction to AP-42, AP-42 emission factors are not provided as recommended permit limits.

National Emission Inventory - Ammonia Emissions from Animal Husbandry Operations, Draft Report, January 30, 2004. (PDF 640K)
EPA estimated ammonia emissions for the years 2002, 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2030 from U.S. animal husbandry operations for inclusion in EPA's National Emissions Inventory (NEI). This report describes the data collected and literature reviewed to develop the inventory, explains the methodology to estimate ammonia emissions, summarizes the results at the state level, and discusses the limitations associated with the data used.
FACT SHEET - National Emission Inventory - Ammonia Emissions from Animal Husbandry Operations (PDF 16K)
The data supporting the report is available in MS Access format. (ZIP 4M)
The contact is Bill Schrock at (919)541-5032, or schrock.bill@epa.gov

There are several interagency emissions factors reports available below under Related Emissions Factor Documents for Livestock & Poultry Feed Operations.
9.5 Introduction to Animal & Meat Products Preparation
9.5.1 Meat Packing Plants
9.5.2 Meat Smokehouses
9.5.3 Meat Rendering Plants
9.6.1 Natural and Processed Cheese
9.7 Cotton Ginning
9.8 Preserved Fruits and Vegetables
9.8.1 Canned Fruits and Vegetables
9.8.2 Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables
9.8.3 Pickles, Sauces and Salad Dressings
9.9 Grain Processing
9.9.1 Grain Elevators & Processes
9.9.2 Cereal Breakfast Food
9.9.4 Alfalfa Dehydrating
9.9.5 Pasta Manufacturing
9.9.6 Bread Baking
9.9.7 Corn Wet Milling
9.10 Confectionary Products
9.10.1 Sugar Processing Cane Sugar Processing Sugar Beet Processing
9.10.2 Salted & Roasted Nuts & Seeds (Introduction) (PDF 1.3M) Almond Processing Peanut Processing
9.11.1 Vegetable Oil Processing
9.12 Beverages
9.12.1 Malt Beverages
9.12.2 Wines and Brandy
9.12.3 Distilled Spirits
9.13 Miscellaneous Food & Kindred Products
9.13.1 Fish Processing
9.13.2 Coffee Roasting
9.13.3 Snack Chip Deep Fat Frying
9.13.4 Yeast Production
9.15 Leather Tanning
Related Emission Factor Documents
  • Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations: Current Knowledge, Future Needs, Final Report, December 2002 (PDF 1.5M)
    This study was supported by the National Academy of Sciences and the US EPA, and a grant between the National Academy of Sciences and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  • The Scientific Basis for Estimating Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations, Interim report - June 2002 (PDF 1M)
    This is the interim report of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations. The interim report is intended to provide the committee's findings to date on assessment of scientific issues involved in estimating air emissions from animal feeding operations as related to current animal production systems and practices in the United States. For more information contact Bill Schrock, Emission Standards Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.

  • Emissions From Animal Feeding Operations, Preliminary draft report, Emission Standards Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, US EPA, August 2001 (PDF 1M)

AP 42 Emissions Factors by Chapter

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