The Arthur Kornberg And Paul Berg Lifetime Achievement Award In Biomedical Sciences


2015     Ronald Vale, PhD '85 | Richard Lifton, MD PhD '86

2014     Tania A. Baker, PhD ’88 | William B. Wood, PhD '64

2013     Jeremy H. Nathans, PhD ’86, MD ’87 | Louis F. Reichardt, PhD ’72

2012     James A. Spudich, PhD '68 |  Frederick W. Alt, PhD ’79 

2011      Randy W. Schekman, PhD ’75 | Thomas E. Shenk, PhD, PD ’73

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Welcome and Discoveries from the 60s highlighted

Baldomero Olivera 1966-1968 (Lehman)
Distinguished Professor of Biology, 
University of Utah 

Lou Reichardt 1965-1972 (Kaiser)
Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry & 
Biophysics, UCSF 

Discoveries from the 70s highlighted

Janet Mertz 1970-1975 (Berg)
Professor of Oncology, University of Wisconsin, 
Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health 

Randy Schekman 1970-1974 (Kornberg)
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, 
and HHMI Investigator, UC Berkeley

Tom Shenk 1973-1975 (Berg)
James A. Elkins Professor of Molecular Biology, 
Princeton University 

Discoveries from the 80s highlighted 

Peter Kim 1979-1985 (Baldwin)
President, Merck Research Laboratories


Jeremy Nathans 1980-1986 (Hogness)
Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics,
HHMI Investigator, 
Johns Hopkins Medical School

Steve Elledge 1984-1989 (Davis)
The Gregor Mendel Professor of Genetics at
Harvard Medical School 

Susan Marqusee 1983-1989 (Baldwin)
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 
UC Berkeley 

Discoveries from the 90s highlighted

Geeta Narlikar 1992-1998 (Herschlag)
Asst. Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF 

Joe DeRisi 1993-1999 (Brown)
HHMI Investigator, Professor and Tomkins Chair, 
UCSF Dept of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 

William Shih 1994-2000 (Spudich)
Asst. Professor of Biological Chemistry and
Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School

Closing Remarks

Protein Synthesis: An Epic On The Cellular Level
Dale Kaiser metabolism rap-video