
Biodesign Courses: innovative enough to stretch your imagination.

Biodesign offers innovative, hands-on courses that provide students with first hand experiences in medical device innovation. Our two-quarter innovation course has been favorably reviewed by students and guest speakers alike. Recent innovations in the course include a complete Biodesign Sourcebook which walks students in a practical, stepwise fashion.

Several other courses on campus will assist the student interested in medical device innovation. Check out our Biodesign-related link to see what other classes you can take to get you closer to your educational goals.

BioE 374 Innovation Course
Biodesign offers a two-quarter sequence course where you learn the process of medical device innovation (crosslisted as MED 272A/B, ME 368A/B, OIT 384/385)
BioE 371 Global Biodesign
This spring quater course will examine the development and commercialization of innovative medical technologies in different global settings (crosslisted as MED 271, OIT 587)
Bioe 273 Biodesign for Mobile Health
Fall quarter seminar series where speakers will discuss the driving needs, opportunities and challenges that characterize the emerging Mobile Health innovation landscape.
Bioe 141 Biodesign Capstone
For Bioengineering Seniors only, two-quarter capstone class required for the undergraduate major in Bioengineering.
Executive Education
New in 2013 we are offering a 3.5 day course on Training & Managing Innovation Teams for executives
Biodesign-Related Courses
A number of other courses are offered on campus that feature concepts relating to the invention of medical devices.
Biodesign textbook
In 2009, the Biodesign faculty authored a 700+ page textbook, Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies, that details the Biodesign Process. The book has been designed to be used in undergraduate and graduate level courses in Biomedical Engineering that have an emphasis in Device Design.
A companion website to our textbook, Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies
Innovator's Workbench
Our annual series of interviews with well-known medical device inventors.
Video Resources
We offer a series of videos that highlight lectures from our Biodesign Innovation course.