
Stanford Biodesign Collaboratory Usage Guidelines

The Biodesign Collaboratory (“Collab”), is part of the Biodesign Program and resides in the James H. Clark Center—E-100, entrance 1.3.  It is a space to brainstorm, meet, create, and test new medical technologies.

With its medical focus, the Collaboratory complements other prototyping resources (especially the Product Realization Laboratory and Room 36—prl.stanford.edu) to make extensive prototyping facilities available for students and faculty across campus.

The Collaboratory facilities include:

  • tools and equipment for bench-top prototype building and testing
  • medical device-specific materials and models
  • open table/work space
  • project carts/drawers for short-term project storage

Who may access and use the Collab:

  • Current Stanford Biodesign Fellows and graduate students in Biodesign-sponsored courses
  • Former Stanford Biodesign Fellows and graduate students from Biodesign-sponsored courses
    • Project must be on-going and have Stanford owned IP
    • Project must have been initiated in association with Stanford Biodesign
    • Length of lab usage post fellowship/class is subject to approval by Biodesign faculty director, Paul Yock or Collab supervisor, Ross Venook
  • Stanford Biodesign Collaborators and Affiliates
    • Clark Center colleagues/residents by application
    • Other Stanford University faculty and students may request lab access by application
    • Access and length of lab usage is subject to approval by Biodesign faculty director, Paul Yock or Collab supervisor, Ross Venook.

Note: Lab access is not available to acquaintances or friends.  Please help us to keep the lab safe and available for authorized users.

Logistics for lab access:
For practical and safety reasons, there is restricted access to the Collab.  Please follow these steps to secure access and your personal key code for the Collab door:

  • Email biodesigncollab@stanford.edu to request access, schedule and attend a brief lab and safety orientation.
  • Attend PRL safety orientation (sign up for an account/login and schedule/attend safety orientation at: webshop.stanford.edu)
  • (for Affiliates and Collaborators only) Arrange payment of your lab fee—$60 per quarter—with Biodesign Program Manager, Chris Queen (cnqueen@stanford.edu)

Note: Building and lab hours are from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday – Friday.

Equipment and Materials
A number of pieces of equipment specifically geared towards prototyping medical devices are available in the Biodesign Collaboratory. The equipment includes:

  • 3-D Printer*
  • Nitinol Forming Station and Nitinol*
  • Catheter Making Equipment, Tools, and Tubing
  • UV Curing Station for UV Curing Adhesives
  • Drill Press
  • Band Saw
  • Grinder
  • Dremmel
  • Vulcanizer
  • Soldering station
  • Oscilloscope
  • Microscope
  • Assorted hand tools
  • Assorted medical devices

*Note: using the resources with an asterisk (‘*’) requires specific training—please email Ross Venook at biodesigncollab@stanford.edu to request training/sign-off before using them.

There are various other tools and materials available to create and test medical device prototypes, and we can help acquire and support additional materials and equipment upon request (please email: biodesigncollab@stanford.edu with requests).

For more information, visit our website at http://biodesign.stanford.edu/bdn/facilities/, or contact Chris Queen, Program Manager at cnqueen@stanford.edu.