
Biodesign Innovation Fellowship

What Fellows have said:

2010-11 Fellow

"I just wanted to send you a quick note to say hi and that my Biodesign training has led me to a fantastic position at AlterG. I’ve been here 3 months (of my 6-month “User Experience & Market Research” consulting gig here) and I am getting to participate in exactly the kind of Biodesign-esque experience that I learned to look for through the fellowship.

I’ve worked on “building-the-story” slides for board meetings and sales kickoffs, I’ve been doing need-finding in the field, and I’m setting up a market channel test and a clinical trial. I’ve gotten to practice translating user needs to R&D and I’m getting great mentorship from working directly with Steve.

At the risk of sounding cheesy, I just wanted to let you know that my Biodesign experience is certainly opening doors for me here and I just wanted to say thanks. "