

From 2011-2013, Biodesign managed a 3-year team and project program with funds from the NIH (through the C-IDEA program managed by Michele Barry, Sr Associate Dean of Global Health, School of Medicine) to provide students, faculty and fellows at Stanford the opportunity to work with our Global partners to help solve unmet clinical needs in India, Singapore, and China.

We established two programs - a project support program for projects based on global needs* , and a student exchange program which allows Stanford student teams the opportunity to work on a global need and travel to our partner countries to help solve that need.


Some projects received multiple rounds of funding.


  1. TEAM: Hearing Aid project
  2. PROJECT: A "Matchstick" as a Complete Fluoresence Microscope, 2 Rounds
  3. PROJECT: Affordable Augmented Anatomy: Applying Design Thinking to the Needs of Upper Limb Amputees Towards Affordable Augmentation Solutions, 2 Rounds
  4. TEAM: A cost effective way to noninvasively monitor neonatal jaundice, 2 Rounds
  5. TEAM: A better way to prevent spoiling and wastage of vaccines during transit to homes by healthworkers
  6. PROJECT: ClearEar - a universal ear cleaning device, 2 Rounds


  1. PROJECT: AdaptAir - a better way to provide oxygen to infants
  2. TEAM: Needs Finding in Rural India
  3. TEAM: Needs Finding in Rural China
  4. PROJECT: An implantable device for sustained Tuberculosis therapy, 2 Rounds
  5. Low-cost Point-of-Care Device for Early Detection of Infection, 2 Rounds


  1. PROJECT: Vision in Practice China study
  2. PROJECT: Microfluidics Device
  3. PROJECT: Insect Vector Device
  4. PROJECT: Leveraging Mobile Technology in Kenya to Improve Health Outcomes
  5. PROJECT: Mobile Vaccination Tracking
  6. PROJECT: Cell Phone SMS Messages to Target Diabetic Medication Noncompliance, 2 Rounds


Anurag Mairal, Director, Global Exchange Programs
Christine Kurihara, Associate Director, Global Programs

* Global Needs

A global need is one that is derived from an underserved population in a developing country, often necessitating a low-cost device solution.



  • Aug 2013 The funding has come to a close. Thanks to all who participated in the C-IDEA program through Biodesign.
  • June 2013 The AdaptAir team entered and won 1st prize in the Stanford BASES Social eChallenge competition. Their prize was 15,000.
  • Mar 2013 The Global Exchange Team to India in 2012 is presenting at the Western Regional International Health Conference on Designing medical devices for India: Constraints and opportunities in a developing nation.
  • Feb 2013 Applications are now open for the Global Student Exchange Program for Summer 2013
  • Jan 2013 We are happy to announce that we have given out our final Global Exchange Project awards for this program. Best of luck to all of the awardees.
  • Nov 2012 Congratulations to Manu Prakash, who was named a Grand Challenges Explorations winner by the Gates Foundation, for his work on the Foldascope. His project has had Global Exchange Funding.
  • June 2012 An Article titled “Creating Global Solutions - How Good Design Can Save the World” by Chris Stivers and Kevin Chi was published in San Francisco Medicine magazine, Vol. 85 No. 1 January/February 2012.
  • June, 2012 We've awarded 3 grants for this round. See our grant page for details.
  • April 2012 We were in the India news! Read more...
  • March 2012 Applications are now closed for both the student teams and the grants. Look for next grant funding in Fall, 2012. Next student team application Winter, 2013.
  • January 2012 NEW Global Biodesign Student Exchange program - teams of students will work on global needs. Deadline for applying March 30, 2012. Read more.
  • January, 2012 NEW Global Exchange Grant FUNDING ROUND initiatied with February 29, 2012 as the deadline for next round of grants. Read more.
  • January 2012 - Congrats to Clear Ear who received funding from the California Healthcare Foundation and has been accepted into the Fogarty Institute.
  • January 2012 - Congrats to Kate, Nahush, Sonny, Chad and Vidya of the Jaundice Team!  Their project on a Screening Device for Neonatal Jaundice in India has been selected by the Spectrum Biodesign Panel for funding as part of our 2012 program.  They have been awarded grant funding of $20,000.
  • August 26, 2011 - 2nd Round Closed
  • July 6, 2011 - The next round (Round 2) of proposals are being accepted with a deadline of August 26, 2011.
  • Feb 10, 2011 - The Program requirements have been modified. See highlighted areas below.
  • Jan 4, 2011 - Our first Global Exchange effort will focus on hearing loss - the Biodesign Innovation Fellowship White Team traveled to India in January 2011 to validate a need in that setting.
  • Dec 13, 2010 - C-IDEA is formed under an $8M NIH grant.