
Other Programs

Biodesign-like programs are being initiated at a number of different universities and institutions throughout the U.S. and the world. We do not wish to suggest credit for their inception, we simply are attempting to catalog such programs.

  1. ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico - Two fellows from Mexico joined the Biodesign Innovation Fellowship for six months. As a consequence, ITESM has begun a new biodesign-like program there.
  2. University of California Berkeley and University of California San Francisco have teamed up to form the Venture Innovation Program. The director Raphael Michel, is a former Biodesign Innovation student.
  3. University of Minnesota - Dr. Saurav Paul, directs the Innovation Fellows Program, Medical Devices Center, Univ. of Minnesota, a similar fellowship to Biodesign. [Marie Guion-Johnson, who started that program, is now CEO of AUM Medical]
  4. University of Missouri-Columbia - After visits to Stanford Biodesign, a Biodesign & Innovation Fellowship has been created and is being offered in 2009.
  5. University of Michigan, Medical Innovation Center - faculty and staff from UMich came to Biodesign in 2007 to explore our programs offering. They now have a complete program for medical device innovation including a fellowship. Michigan also has a Graduate BME Innovative Design Team program as part of the Biomedical Engineering Department offerings.
  6. Through the Center for Technology in Medicine and Health, a joint fellowship with the Karolinska Institute, The Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden is being created for 2009.
  7. Northwestern has started NuVention, a program that offers students from the three major schools: engineering, medicine and business, to collaborate on medtech projects. Swami Gnanashanmugam, a former Biodesign student and Biodesign Fellow 2011-12, worked with faculty and staff at Northwestern to initiate the program. They also have a Center for Device Development which sponsors an Innovation Fellowship.
  8. Washington University has a 'biodesign-like' program that launched at the end of 2008 with 3 fellows.
  9. Johns Hopkins University has initiated a new masters program where one can "experience and learn the biodesign innovation process in the 11-month Master’s of Engineering in Bioengineering Innovation and Design program, launching in the summer of 2009."
  10. Aarhus University in Finland has a Biomedical Design program called InnoX Healthcare.
  11. Timothy B. Folta, Associate Professor of Management at the Krannert School of Management, Keith March at the Indiana School of Medicine, and George Wodicka, head of the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, have teamed up to create a biomedship program at Purdue University.
  12. University of Toronto is developing a similar team-based, biomedical device innovation-oriented fellowship program.
  13. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison a new program entitled BIOME, for Bio Innovations and Opportunities in Medicine and Engineering, is starting a graduate level course.
  14. The University of Cincinnati is developing a Medical Device Innovation Program along the lines of Biodesign. There is also a 'Cincinnati Biodesign Club' that is reading the Biodesign textbook together.
  15. Case Western University and Cleveland Clinic are putting together a Biodesign course and program through the efforts of Shubhayu Basu, Biodesign fellows 2004-5.
  16. The University of Chicago has a new medtech innovation program in the works.
  17. The University of Kentucky has started a clinician innovation program in their Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship.
  18. The MedStar Institute for Innovation at MedStar Health, a not-for-profit health system in the Baltimore-Washington area, has initiated collaborative development projects with academic engineering groups and industry.
  19. BioInnovate Ireland was launched at NUI Galway in August 2011, by a consortium of five Irish higher education institutions, comprising NUI Galway, the University of Limerick, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland-CIST, Dublin City University and University College Cork. www.bioinnovate.ie www.nuigalway.ie
  20. The University of Southern California is starting a new program called Health, Technology, and Engineering (HTE@USC). It is a joint educational program between the school of medicine and the school of engineering that offers a 4-year certificate. The program is composed of 50% engineering PhD students and 50% MD students, working together on medical technology projects. They are using the Biodesign textboookas a foundation for the program.
  21. BioCat (Catalonia, Spain) has created a Biodesign-like program under the umbrella of their consortium.Their new program, Design Health (d.health) Barcelona begins with a launch on April 16, 2013
  22. Ankur Gupta and Varun Rachakonda, formerly leaders in Stanford Student Biodesign & Biopharma, are both currently at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas where they are putting together a Biodesign-like course for 1st and 2nd year Medical Students there. A recent video was produced that discussed their progress.
  23. The David Geffen School of Medicine and the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at UCLA have jointly developed a course and fellowship.
  24. Harvard Biodesign Lab will focus on developing innovative medical devices and offer a course on Medical Device Design using the Biodesign book in the class.
  25. Akhi Sista, Biodesign Fellow in 2008-09, is starting an Innovation Course in Cornell University's School of Medicine.
  26. UCSD (San Diego) has started a new fellowship program assisted by Paul Yock, Biodesign director.
  27. NhIce (Nice health Innovation Concept) is the Biodesign-like program that is being started in Nice, France.
  28. At University of Pittsburgh, the Center for Medical Innovation has a Graduate Certificate in Medical Product Innovation.
  29. The University of Hawaii offers a Biodesign Innovation course taught by an alum of our program, Russell Woo.
  30. UC Berkeley has a summer Biodesign program. They also have a Master of Translational Medicine Program
    with UCSF Department of Bioengineering.
  31. Rowan University in New Jersey has started a Bioengineering Scholars Program modeled after Biodesign and Amy Herr’s program at UC Berkeley.
  32. University of Copenhagen has a Health Design program modeled after Biodesign.
  33. McGill University, the Ecole de Tecnologies Superieeure and Concordia University in Montreal, Canada have partnered to offer a surgical innovation program.
  34. TMC Biodesign is a fellowship out of the Texas Medical Center.
  35. University of British Columbia has stared "Engineers in Scrubs" program.
  36. The University of New Mexico is offering a course called Biodesign modeled after the Stanford program.


Quotes from other programs about Biodesign as an impetus:

"I am fortunate to have had the chance to be CPD at CWRU long enough to attend your BioDesign Innovation course last March. Quite memorable and really a valuable experience to me personally and professionally.

The CWRU adaptations of your BioDesign ideas to the CWRU Graduate school and the Freshman Biodesign experience have been very successful. In fact, the graduate program this semester has a wonderful mix of Engineering, Management, Medicine, and Nursing students ... absolutely fascinating! I think we might have the only class that crosses so many boundaries on our campus (OK, it has been a 5-year journey). And, of course, this all started with our small CWRU delegation meeting you at the BMES Idea program in Pittsburgh back in 2008!"

Colin Drummond, Case Western Reserve University