
Katharine Ku , MS

Office of Technology Licensing
Stanford University
Stanford , CA

Katharine Ku has been the Director of the Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) at Stanford University since 1991. OTL is responsible for the licensing of various state-of-the-art university technologies such as biotechnology and semiconductor inventions, software, medical instrumentation, etc. Concurrently from 1994 to 1998, Ms. Ku was responsible for Stanford's Sponsored Projects Office. Previously, she served as Vice President of Business Development at protein Design Labs, Inc., now a publicly traded biotechnology company in Mountain View, California. Prior to PDL, Ku spent 12 years at Stanford in various positions. Previously, she was also a researcher at Monsanto and Sigma Chemical, an administer of a dialysis clinical trial at University of California where she also taught a chemistry and basic engineering courses. Ku has been active in the Licensing Executive Society (LES), serving as Vice President, Western Region and Trustee of LES and various committee chairs. She has also served as President of the Association of University Technology Managers (1988-90). She recently received the AUTM Bayh-Dole Award for her efforts in university licensing. Ku has a B.S. Chemical Engineering (Cornell University), an M.S. in Chem. Eng. (Washington University) and is a registered patent agent.

Contact Information


Office Of Technology and Licencing

Stanford , CA 94305-1850


Research Interests
