Where are the BioBridge Peer Advisors located and when do they hold office hours?
I can't make it to any of the office hours for BioBridge. Is there any other way to contact you?
I want to take some classes over the summer. How do I do that?
- Can I apply to become a BioBridge member? It seems like fun!
BioBridge is located on the first floor of Gilbert Hall in room 108. Our office hours are located here.
If you cannot make it to any of the BioBridge office hours, please feel free to contact us via email with your questions and we should be able to get back to you within 24 hours.
Please visit our "Declaring" page in order to find out all you need to know about declaring the major. If you have any other questions or are confused about a certain step or requirement, please feel free to come to our scheduled office hours or email us.
Choosing an advisor is often the biggest obstacle to declaring, but it should not be. If you need help choosing an advisor, come to the BioBridge office during office hours and check out the "Choosing an Advisor" binder, which contains faculty surveys that might help you on your search for an advisor.
There are numerous research opportunities at Stanford, and faculty are always looking for more eager students to work in their labs. To get started, check out the Research page for some general information on how to get involved in research. Try to find a field that you are interested in and email professors in that area of research regarding possibly working in their labs. Professors with open spots in their labs love to hear from enthusiastic students. There are also a ton of VPUE funding opportunities for research, particularly over the summer.
You can possibly receive units for your research through BIO 199. If you are doing research with a faculty member outside the Biology department you will need to petition for BIO 199X. You must be a Biology major and have your instructor's consent for this. Please refer to our Research page for more information.
- I want to take <insert name of class here>. Is it a difficult class? How are lectures? Is the professor nice? What is his grading policy? How many midterms does the class have? Will I get an A in it? Is the class fun?
We will not know the details about every single Biology course here at Stanford, but we can give you advice about many courses offered. If a BioBridge member that you visit during office hours has not taken the course that you wish to know more about, email us and perhaps one of the other members of BioBridge will be able to assist you. Also, feel free to check out to view a course syllabus for more details on the class.
You should always get classes preapproved before you take them. We have a giant green binder in our office full of preapproved classes in Physics, Math and Statistics. If the class(es) you want to take are not in the green binder, talk to the Student Services Staff in Gilbert 108 to find out how to get your choice classes preapproved.
BioBridge accepts applications for new members every spring quarter. Even if you don't know every little detail about the Biology major, please feel free to apply.