New Team Requirements


Announcement: Due to the lack of funding from Special Fees, there is a moratorium on new requests for Club Sports teams for three years that will last until 2018.

All teams applying to Club Sports must provide the following information in a proposal for consideration as a new team. After reviewing team requirements listed below, please contact Claire Davis at to discuss your team’s status and viability before providing proposal with information and documentation listed below. New team proposals are due approximately one month before the SAL new student group deadlines in fall and winter quarters (no spring application period).

Fall Quarter Club Sports Proposal Deadline:

October 2, 2014

Winter Quarter Club Sports Proposal Deadline:

January 17, 2015

Purpose // Minimum Participants (12) // Student Leadership (3) // Budget (2 YRS) // Collegiate Competitions (5) // Facilities Request // Sustainability // SAL Requirements

1) Providing New Purpose:

– Summary of what new team offers to Stanford students that is not currently available.
– Include how team does not duplicate an existing club sports team or student group.
– Demonstrate how team supports University and Athletics missions.

2) Minimum Participants (12):

– List of 12 students committed to starting and competing with the team including name, student ID number, expected graduation year, email and phone number for each member.
– Students must not be already affiliated with another club sports team and at least 10 students must plan to attend Stanford in the next academic year (i.e. they should not be graduating in the current academic year).

3) Student Leadership (3 Officers):

– List of team leadership (at least three students) including name, student ID number, expected graduation year, email address and phone number along with job responsibilities for team.
– At least one leader must be an underclassman (freshman or sophomore).

4) Budget (2 YRS):

– Annual operating budget including expenses (uniforms, travel costs, league registration, competition registration, equipment, etc.) and income (dues and fundraising) for first 2 years. You may use budget template on Club Sports Team Resources page.
– The team should expect income to cover all expenses during the first 3-4 years. A team must demonstrate a minimum of 3 years of membership, leadership, financial, competitive and organizational stability to petition to the council. Club Sports funding is only available when 1) approved team is voted by the council after demonstrating minimum of 3 years of stability and 2) team serves probationary year without funding following approval vote.

5) Collegiate Competitions (5):

– Competitive schedule or potential competitive schedule that must include at least five other collegiate teams that have confirmed interest in playing your team.
– Provide names of college/university club teams you will compete against along with contact information for teams.
– Provide information about regional league and/or national governing body for your club sport.

6) Facility Request:

– Facility request including the minimal space and time (days and hours/week) as well as your ideal space and time needs for practice. Use facility request form on Club Sports Team Resources page.
– Provide examples of days/times needed for home competitions as well as number of events each quarter.
– Provide example of off-campus facility solution if on-campus facilities are not available including estimate of rental costs.
Please note that campus facility spaces, including swimming pools, indoor courts and outdoor fields, are currently impacted and your new team proposal may not be approved due to limited campus space availability.

7) Sustainability:

– Plan for stability and sustainability as a club team for the next 3 years.
– Include methods of team organization, leadership training, member recruitment and other efforts to maintain club’s viability and competitive success for the future.

8) SAL Requirements:

– Summary of how team meets all requirements of Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) student groups. See