Stanford Art Spaces
January 21, 2000 to March 16, 2000, Stanford Art Spaces features an exhibit by a two artists:
Anthony Holdsworth
Beryl Landau

Jerry Brown on Broadway © 1999

De Chirico Silhouette in Swannage © 1998

This exhibit is located on the Stanford University campus in four buildings: the Allen Center for Integrated Systems (CIS), Gates Computer Science, Terman Engineering Center, and Humanities and Sciences.     Reception 3pm-5pm on February 4 at CIS

Most works are for sale directly from the artists. For information, contact M. Grossman, Curator, at (650) 725-3622 or

On Broadway © 1998

Street Sounds © 1997
Anthony Holdsworth paints on location, usually on the streets of cities, from neighborhoods to industrial areas to the downtown. He believes that the urban landscape is an accurate and disquieting testament to the human condition. “The power to cope, to move forward depends on seeing our immediate reality. We live in an alienated society bombarded with consumer propaganda which blind us to the reality of the places we inhabit.” He seeks to counter this process of alienation by encountering specific places first hand.

After being introduced to oils by the well-known Massachusetts painter, Loring Coleman, Anthony Holdsworth embarked on a painting career in Florence, Italy. He continued his studies at The Bournemouth College of Art in England. He has exhibited with major galleries throughout California and has been featured in local and national publications as well as on television.

He received a ‘Western States Art Federation N.E.A.’ fellowship and a ‘California Discovery Awards Gold Medal’. In 1996 he received both an Oakland Heritage Alliance ‘Partnership in Preservation Award’ and an ‘Oakland Business Arts Award’.

To visit Anthony Holdsworth's website,
click here.

Pristine © 1995
Beryl Landau calls her work “symbolic landscape”. The acrylic paintings depict geographical places but evoke inner feelings. Each landscape draws the viewer into a particular space and mood. Her clear colors range from high contrasts to subtle gradations. The subjects vary from familiar California scenes to more exotic locations from her travels. Some of the images are close-ups, while others show more farsighted views.

Beryl Landau received the Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Art degrees from San Francisco Art Institute. Her teachers included Richard Diebenkorn, Elmer Bischoff and Joan Brown.

Most works are for sale directly from the artists. For information, contact M. Grossman, Curator, at (650) 725-3622 or

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