Calendar 2008–2009
Monday 8/24/2009 at 4:30 pmGil Segev
Friday 7/17/2009 at 4:00 pmPaul Van OorschotReflecting on Ten Years of Graphical Passwords(Note the unusual time)
Tuesday 7/14/2009 at 4:30 pmJoseph Bonneau
Friday 5/22/2009 at 4:00 pmStuart SchechterNew results on the backup authentication problem(Note the unusual time)
Tuesday 5/12/2009 at 4:30 pmDan Kolkowitz
Monday 4/20/2009 at 4:30 pmManoj M Prabhakaran
Tuesday 12/2/2008 at 4:30 pmCharles Reis
Wednesday 11/19/2008 at 4:30 pmShlomi Dolev
Tuesday 10/21/2008 at 4:30 pmArturo Bejar
Tuesday 10/14/2008 at 4:30 pmArvind Narayanan
The seminar is currently coordinated by Ankur Taly.
Time and Place
Seminars occur on approximately alternate Tuesdays at 4:30 pm in the 4B
center area (opposite office 490) of the Gates
building at Stanford University. Various maps
showing both how to reach the campus and how to find the Gates building
are available.
The Stanford Security Seminar focuses on communication between Stanford
and the outside world about computer security. Typically, a speaker
from industry or academia presents current work in an informal setting
on the Stanford campus. These symposia are open to the public and are
generally accessible and interesting to experts and laypeople alike.
Mailing List
There is a mailing list on which announcements of upcoming seminars
are posted, and which may be used for discussion of the seminars either
before or after they occur. The address of the list is:
Anyone can join the list by emailing
with "subscribe security-seminar" in the body of the message.