Daphne Keller is the Director of Intermediary Liability at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. She was previously Associate General Counsel for Intermediary Liability and Free Speech issues at Google. In that role she focused primarily on legal and policy issues outside the U.S., including the E.U.’s evolving “Right to Be Forgotten.” Her earlier roles at Google included leading the core legal teams for Web Search, Copyright, and Open Source Software. Daphne has taught Internet law as a Lecturer at U.C. Berkeley’s School of Law, and has also taught courses at Berkeley’s School of Information and at Duke Law School. She has done extensive public speaking in her field, including testifying before the UK’s Leveson Inquiry. Daphne practiced in the Litigation group at Munger, Tolles & Olson. She is a graduate of Yale Law School and Brown University, and mother to some awesome kids in San Francisco.
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