GSDC Clinics Appointments
How to Make an Appointment for one of the Genetic Skin Disease Clinics
If you would like your child to be seen in any one of our specialty pediatric dermatology clinics within the Genetic Skin Diseases Center, please have your child's physician fill out the following consulatation referral form and fax it to us at (650)498-4209. After we have reviewed the consultation form, we will contact you for more information. This will allow us to schedule you for the specific clinic that will best meet your child's medical needs.
Download our consultation form (PDF)
Our specialty pediatric dermatology clinics are as follows:
Epidermolysis Bullosa Clinic- This clinic is usually held on the third Friday morning of each month.
- Its goal is to take care of children with confirmed epidermolysis bullosa.
- The EB Clinic team consists of pediatric dermatologists, pain specialists, occupational and physical therapists, and other pediatric specialists experienced in EB care.
- This clinic is held on the second Wednesday afternoon of each month.
- Our Vascular Anomalies team consists of pediatric dermatologists, pediatric radiologists, surgeons, plastic surgeons, and otolaryngologists.
- This clinic provides a multidisciplinary approach to the care of children with vascular tumors and malformations.
- This clinic is held four to six times a year.
- Our Genetic Skin Diseases Clinic is staffed by pediatric dermatologists, pediatric geneticists, and genetic counselors.
- This clinic offers interdisciplinary consultative services for children with uncommon genetic skin disorders and children with probable genetic disorders in whom skin changes may be a clue to diagnosis.