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Mar 12, 2014
The department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures is proud to announce that two graduate students, Tom Winterbottom and Samuel Gibson, will be joining Professor Jorge Ruffinelli in Guadalajara, México on March 20th and 21st for the Fifth International Colloquium of Contemporary Ibero-American Cinema. The colloquium, titled: “From Cinematographic Culture to Screen Culture: Narrative, Technological, and Consumer Keys in the New Audiovisual Landscape.” This year Professor Ruffinelli will begin the conference with a discussion titled “From the Big Screen to Youtube, From Youtube to the Big...
Sep 19, 2013
Please be sure to check out an interview with DLCL's Jorge Ruffinelli, "On Latin American Literature and Cinema." Read the full interview here. Jorge Ruffinelli is Department Director and Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures at Stanford University. Before coming to Stanford, Professor Ruffinelli taught at the school of Letters of the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico, and he collaborated in all the major cultural journals and newspapers in Latin America. In Mexico, he founded and directed the literary journal “Texto crítico” for twelve years. In...
Mar 14, 2013
  This past weekend Professor Ruffinelli collaborated with other distinguished filmmakers to judge 17 different Latin American documentaries at the International Film Festival in Guadalajara.  When asked about his overall opinions of the films he mentioned that they brought him “visual, aesthetic, intellectual [and] artistic” pleasures through various forms of narration and themes. Overall he believed that the documentary has now “regained intellectual and artistic spaces” and that the matter of “cinematic truth” revolved around a...
Mar 14, 2013
  Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures Jorge Ruffinelli will travel to Brazil next week to inaugurate the Glauber Rocha Professorship of Latin American Cinema at the Universidad Federal de Integración Latinoamericana in Paraná. The event will pay homage to one of the largest proponents of the Cinema Novo movement in Latin America, Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha. His most acclaimed works, all of which have either been screened or won awards at the Cannes Film Festival,include Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol, A Grande Cidade, and Terra em Transe....
Sep 22, 2012
The Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures announces a new undergraduate major in Spanish!  For more information please contact Professor Lisa Surwillo, Chair of Undergraduate Studies in ILAC ( or Denise Winters, DLCL Undergraduate Student Affairs Officer (
Aug 23, 2012
Marília Librandi-Rocha, Assistant Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures, was interviewed by the Brazilian television station Univesp TV. The discussion, conducted in Portuguese, examines differences between higher education in Brazil and the United States. 
