Research & Scholarship

Getting Started

Best practices and processes required by Stanford policy and sponsors.
Learn more about clinical research including clinical trials.
Information on non-faculty research appointments, consultants, visiting scholars, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students.
Resources to support the scholarly contributions, skills and professional activities of all of its faculty, with a particular focus on the development of junior faculty.
Find policies to help guide you.
Understand who can serve as a PI and what exceptions can be made.
Tips for procuring and managing research funds.
Get help with industrial agreements & materials from external labs.


Link to the system to recertify. Find links to system, user guides, and the required briefing.
Manage conflicts of interest and commitment.
Tools and information to help you comply with export control regulations.
Enter and manage protocols for human, animal, stem cell, and bio-safety. Go directly to eProtocol.
PI's are responsible for ensuring research team members complete required training.
Written with all researchers in mind, special consideration has been given to the needs of students and postdoctoral scholars.
Guidance for ensuring a safe work environment.


Computing resources in support of your research and scholarship.
Collaborative teams of experts address major issues outside the boundaries of schools.
Find out how to disclose inventions, file for patents and negotiate licenses, best practices for Startups and more.
Find resources for international activities & collaboration.
Tools and services for data management, preservation, and sharing, including guidance for faculty on access to data.
Find facilities and equipment for your research.
Support for fulfilling the educational outreach required by your research sponsor.
Get an in-depth view of how SeRA handles PDRFs, awards, and PTA setup.
Tools for funding and mentoring graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.