Personal bio
Author of Signs Taken for Wonders (1983), The Way of the World (1987), Modern Epic (1995), Atlas of the European Novel (1998), and Graphs, Maps, Trees (2005). Chief editor of The Novel (Princeton, 2006). Has founded the Center for the Study of the Novel and, with Matt Jockers, the Literary Lab. Writes often for New Left Review, and his work has been translated into over twenty languages. Links: Literary Lab Web Site
Currently teaching
COMPLIT 398L: Literary Lab
ENGLISH 12B: Introduction to English III: Metamorphoses of Literature 1850-2000
ENGLISH 369D: Lost Bestsellers of Nineteenth Century Britain
ENGLISH 398L: Literary Lab
COMPLIT 194: Independent Research
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
COMPLIT 399: Individual Work
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ENGLISH 394: Independent Study
ENGLISH 398: Research Course
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ENGLISH 398R: Revision and Development of a Paper
(Autumn, Winter, Spring)
MTL 390: Qualifying Paper
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
MTL 398: Graduate Independent Study
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
MTL 399: Reading for Orals
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)