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1 - 10 of 41 results for: IPS

IPS 200: Global Affairs: Social Media and Blog Writing Workshop

Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1-2 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Stoner, K. (PI)

IPS 201: Managing Global Complexity

Is international relations theory valuable for policy makers? The first half of the course will provide students with a foundation in theory by introducing the dominant theoretical traditions and insights in international relations. The second half of the course focuses on several complex global problems that cut across policy specializations and impact multiple policy dimensions. Students will assess the value of major theories and concepts in international relations for analyzing and addressing such complex global policy issues.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Stoner, K. (PI)

IPS 202: Topics in International Macroeconomics

Topics: standard theories of open economy macroeconomics, exchange rate regimes, causes and consequences of current account imbalances, the economics of monetary unification and the European Monetary Union, recent financial and currency crises, the International Monetary Fund and the reform of the international financial architecture. Prerequisites: Econ 52 and Econ 165.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

IPS 203: Issues in International Economics

Topics in international trade and international trade policy: trade, growth and poverty, the World Trade Organization (WTO), regionalism versus multilateralism, the political economy of trade policy, trade and labor, trade and the environment, and trade policies for developing economies. Prerequisite: ECON 51, ECON 166.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)

IPS 204A: Microeconomics (PUBLPOL 301A)

Microeconomic concepts relevant to decision making. Topics include: competitive market clearing, price discrimination; general equilibrium; risk aversion and sharing, capital market theory, Nash equilibrium; welfare analysis; public choice; externalities and public goods; hidden information and market signaling; moral hazard and incentives; auction theory; game theory; oligopoly; reputation and credibility. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and MATH 51 or equiv.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Bulow, J. (PI)

IPS 204B: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Evaluation (PUBLPOL 301B)

Relationship between microeconomic analysis and public policy making. Economic rationales for policy interventions. Economic models of politics and application to policy making. Relationship of income distribution to policy choice. Welfare evaluation of public and private decisions. Education policy, social security, and health care. Prerequisites: PUBLPOL 301A (for graduate students) or ECON 50, and102B (for undergraduates).
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Bundorf, M. (PI)

IPS 205: Introductory Statistics for Policy

Introduction to key elements of probability statistical analysis focusing on international and public policy relevant applications. Topics will include the algebra of events and probability, discrete and continuos random variables, exploratory data analysis and elements of mathematical statistics. The two lectures per week will be structured such that they will involve both theoretical and practical components. Students will be introduced to R statistical programming and LaTeX.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Abel, A. (PI)

IPS 206: Applied Statistics for Policy

Terms: Win | Units: 5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

IPS 207: Governance, Corruption, and Development

The role of governance in the growth and development experience of countries with a focus on the economics of corruption. Topics covered: the concept and measurement of governance; theory and evidence on the impact of corruption on growth and development outcomes, including investment, financial flows, human capital accumulation, poverty and income inequality; the link between governance and financial crises with a focus on the recent global crisis; the cultural, economic, and political determinants of corruption; and policy implications for improving governance. Prerequisite: ECON 50.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)

IPS 207A: Judgment and Decision Making (PUBLPOL 305A)

(Same as LAW 333.) Introduction to problem framing and problem solving. Theories and research on heuristics and biases in human inference, judgment, and decision making. Experimental and theoretical work in prospect theory emphasizing loss and risk aversion. Challenges that psychology offers to the rationalist expected utility model; attempts to meet this challenge through integration with modern behavioral economics. Decision making biases and phenomena of special relevance to public policy such as group polarization, group think, and collective action.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Brest, P. (PI)
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