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1 - 10 of 51 results for: JEWISHST ; Currently searching offered courses. You can also include unoffered courses

JEWISHST 5: Biblical Greek (CLASSICS 6G, RELIGST 171A)

JEWISHST 5B: Biblical Greek (CLASSICS 7G)

JEWISHST 17N: Intimacy, Secrets and the Past: Biography in History and Fiction (HISTORY 17N)

JEWISHST 37Q: Zionism and the Novel (COMPLIT 37Q)

JEWISHST 38A: Germany and the World Wars (HISTORY 38A)

JEWISHST 71: Jews and Christians: Conflict and Coexistence (RELIGST 71)

JEWISHST 85B: Jews in the Contemporary World: Faith and Ethnicity, Visibility and Vulnerability (CSRE 85B, HISTORY 85B, REES 85B)

JEWISHST 86S: Zionism Considered: Jewish Thinkers and the Quest for a Jewish Home (HISTORY 86S)

JEWISHST 101A: First-Year Hebrew, First Quarter (AMELANG 128A)

JEWISHST 101B: First-Year Hebrew, Second Quarter (AMELANG 128B)

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