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11 - 15 of 15 results for: OSPGEN ; Currently searching offered courses. You can also include unoffered courses

OSPGEN 62: St. Petersburg: Crucible of Russian History and Culture

Terms: Sum | Units: 2 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

OSPGEN 63: Bio-Cultural Diversity and Community-Based Conservation in Oaxaca

Examine the conservation and use of natural resources by indigenous communities through the disciplines of ecology and indigenous culture. Test if/how academic institutions and rural indigenous institutions can jointly undertake the challenge of sustainably managing biological resources. Two complementary experiences: i) short components at the beginning and end, visiting Mexico¿s National Commission of Biodiversity and UNAM in Mexico City; and ii) work in the City of Oaxaca and two indigenous communities, Ixtlán and San Juan Jayacatlán, which are regarded as exemplary in sustainable use of biodiversity.
Terms: Sum | Units: 2 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

OSPGEN 137: Brazil Technology and Engineering

Two-week study trip to Brazil accompanied by a Stanford professor and graduate student lead. Offered by the School of Engineering in partnership with the Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP). First-hand insights into technology and engineering based businesses in Brazil. Participants will: 1) gain knowledge of a wide spectrum of technology-based companies in India; 2) understand, in a comparative approach, how western companies localize to stay competitive; and 3) experience first-hand the social and environmental impact of these businesses. Prior to departure, students will go through a curriculum targeted at understanding the state of technology business in Brazil in order to maximize the learning experience students will have on the ground.
Terms: Sum | Units: 2 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

OSPGEN 139: India Technology and Engineering

Two-week study trip to India accompanied by a Stanford professor and graduate student lead. Offered by the School of Engineering in partnership with the Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP). First-hand insights into technology and engineering based businesses in India. Participants will: 1) gain knowledge of a wide spectrum of technology-based companies in India; 2) understand, in a comparative approach, how western companies localize to stay competitive; and 3) experience first-hand the social and environmental impact of these businesses. Prior to departure, students will go through a curriculum targeted at understanding the state of technology business in India in order to maximize the learning experience students will have on the ground.
Terms: Sum | Units: 2 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

OSPGEN 259: Community Health in Oaxaca

Continuation of MED 259. Close observation of clinicians at work in community health settings in Oaxaca and service with local community health organizations. Combination of classroom study and discussion with cultural immersion, language training, clinical shadowing, and community service. Topics include: Mexican healthcare system; cultural, socioeconomic and educational factors impacting health of Mexicans and Mexican immigrants to U.S.; Mexican cultural and health beliefs; Mexican migration as a multi-ethnic process. Prerequisite: Acceptance into program and successful completion of MED 259 (Spring quarter 2015)
Terms: Sum | Units: 2 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
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