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Undergraduate Major Unit Requirements

The Writing in the Major (WIM) courses listed below reflect courses, offered in past or present years, which satisfy the WIM requirement for majors applying to graduate in the current academic year. Such WIM courses may or may not be offered in the current year. Consult the applicable department section of the Bulletin or ExploreCourses for more information.

School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

Major Department Units required outside the dept./program Units required within the dept./program Total # of units Notes/Special Requirements WIM Course
Earth Systems62-1112890-134 internship, senior capstone and projectBIOHOPK 44Y, BIOHOPK 172H, EARTHSYS 195, EARTHSYS 200
Energy Resources Engineering77-8633-34110-120Senior Project and Seminar (ENERGY 199)ENERGY 199
Geological & Environmental Sciences36-5354-6893-110advanced summer field experienceGS 150, GEOPHYS 199
Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology55-8119-3185-101-GS 150, GEOPHYS 199
Geophysics43-4515min. 58-GS 150, GEOPHYS 199

School of Engineering

Major Department Units required outside the dept./program Units required within the dept./program Total # of units Notes/Special Requirements WIM Course
Aeronautics and Astronautics4657103AA 190
Architectural Design4063103-CEE 100
Atmosphere/Energy5051-53101-103-CEE 100, EARTHSYS 200, HUMBIO 4B, MS&E 152W, MS&E 197
Bioengineering59-6660-62119-128-BIOE 131,BIOHOPK 172H
Biomechanical Engineering46-6553-6499-116ENGR 199W with directed research units; ME 112; ME 131A; ME 140
Biomedical Computation51-6547-56109-114Two quarters guided researchENGR 199W with directed research units (preferred), CS 191W, or CS 272 / BIOMEDIN 212
Chemical Engineeringmin. 7050min. 120-CHEMENG 185A
Civil Engineeringmin. 57min. 59min. 116-CEE 100
Computer Sciencemin. 29min. 3696-106senior projectCS 181W, CS 191W, CS 194W, CS 210B, CS 294W
Electrical Engineering4060100EE191W may satisfy WIM only if it is a follow-up to an REU or independent study project, where a faculty agrees to provide supervision of writing a technical paper and with suitable support from the Writing Center.EE 109, EE 133, EE 134, EE 168, EE 191W, CS 194W, EE 152, EE 153
Engineering Physicsmin. 48min. 45min. 93at least 45 units in Engineering Fundamentals, Depth and elective courses must be engineering unitsEE 152, ENGR 199W with research or, depending upon specialty track, one of the following: BIOE 131, CS 181W, EE 134, MATSCI 161, MATSCI 164, ME 112, ME 131A & ME 140, PHYSICS 107
Environmental Systems Engineering395796Capstone courseCOMM 120W, MS&E 152W, MS&E 193, MS&E 197, EARTHSYS 195, ENVRES 200, CEE 100
Individually Designed Major414090-107-see adviser
Management Science and Engineering54-7140-59102-120MS&E 152W, MS&E 193W, MS&E 197
Material Science and Engineeringmin. 53min. 50min 103-MATSCI 161, MATSCI 164
Mechanical Engineering4868116-3-course required sequence to fulfill WIM for ME majors: ME 131A, ME 112, ME 140
Product Designmin. 5855113ME 112

School of Humanities and Sciences

Major Department Units required outside the dept./program Units required within the dept./program Total # of units Notes/Special Requirements WIM Course
African and African American Studies501060AAAS thesis seminarAFRICAAM 200X
American Studies20-2535-4060-AMSTUD 160
Anthropology155065ANTHRO 193:Capstone Course-Contemporary Debates in AnthropologyANTHRO 90B, ANTHRO 90C
Archaeology452065foreign language 1st qtr. at 2nd-year levelARCHLGY 103
Art History-6165library orientation, junior seminarARTHIST 294
Art Practice (Studio)-6565Interdisciplinary art survey, advanced undergraduate seminar, library orientationARTHIST 294
Asian American Studies402060core curriculum, foundational course, senior researchCSRE 200X
Biologymin. min. 4986-119fields of study have different unit rangesBIO 107, BIO 137, BIO 145, BIO 196A, BIO 197WA; BIO 199W; BIOHOPK 44Y, BIO 44Y, BIO 168, BIO 137, BIOHOPK 172H
Chemistry315081-CHEM 134
Chicana/o Studies402060core curriculum, foundational course, senior researchCSRE 200X
Chinese0-1629-44min. 45Capstone course: CHINGEN 198CHINGEN 133
Classics--60-65majors seminar (CLASSICS 150)CLASSICS 150 (Formerly CLASSGEN 176)
Communication5min. 6065-COMM 104W, COMM 120W, COMM 137W, COMM 142W, COMM 143W
Comparative Literature-4065Gateway Course: COMPLIT101, Core: COMPLIT121, COMPLIT122, COMPLIT123, Capstone course: COMPLIT199, 25 units of electives in COMPLITCOMPLIT 101
Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity451560core curriculum, thematic concentration, senior researchCSRE 200X
East Asian Studies75176Capstone course; overseas studies in E. Asian country 1 qtr; senior essayCHINGEN 133; JAPANGEN 138; KORGEN 120
Economics-8080-ECON 101
English-68-7068-70-ENGLISH 162W
English w/ Creative Writing-73-7573-75dept. approvalENGLISH 162W, ENGLISH 164; ENGLISH 196A, ENGLISH 164C
English w/ Interdisciplinary Emphasis1558-6073-75dept. approval and interdisciplinary paperENGLISH 162W, ENGLISH 164; ENGLISH 196A, ENGLISH 164C
English w/ Interdepartmental Emphasis16-2053-5569-7516-20 units in foreign lang. lit.; dept. approvalENGLISH 162W, ENGLISH 164; ENGLISH 196A, ENGLISH 164C
English w/ Philosophy20-2557-5977-84-ENGLISH 162W, ENGLISH 164; ENGLISH 196A, ENGLISH 164C
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4518 core63focus statement; practicumAMSTUD 160, ANTHRO 90B, FEMGEN 105, LINGUIST 150, FEMGEN 157
Film and Media Studies-6564library orientation, senior seminarFILMSTUD 101
French-3256Gateway course; capstone; FRENLANG 124; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)FRENCH 130, FRENCH 131, FRENCH 132, FRENCH 133
French and Philosophymin. 2132 above #10065Gateway course: FRENCH 181; capstone; FRENLANG 124; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)FRENCH 130, FRENCH 131, FRENCH 132, FRENCH 133
German0-2535-6060Gateway course: GERMAN 88; capstone; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)GERMAN 116, GERMAN 123, GERMAN 150, GERMAN 190
German and Philosophymin. 21min. 3965Gateway course; capstone; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)GERMAN 116, GERMAN 123, GERMAN 150, GERMAN 190
History-63-7463-743 from #200-298HISTORY 209S
Human Biologymin. 10min. 39min. 84InternshipHUMBIO 4B
Iberian and Latin American Cultures04060Gateway course: ILAC 130, ILAC 131; Senior Seminar: ILAC 278; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)ILAC 201
International Relations55-700-15702 yr. foreign lang; Overseas studies 1 qtr.INTNLREL 140A, INTNLREL 140C; INTNLREL 174; INTNLREL 200B; MS&E 193; MS&E 197; POLISCI 110C; POLISCI 110D; POLISCI 148
Italian-3260Gateway course; ITALLANG 22A or equiv.; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)ITALIAN 127, ITALIAN 128, ITALIAN 129
Italian and Philosophymin. 2132 above #10072Gateway course; capstone; ITALLANG 22A or equiv.; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)ITALIAN 127, ITALIAN 128, ITALIAN 129
Japanese0-2025-44min. 45Capstone course: JAPANGEN 198-JAPANGEN 138
Jewish Studies (Individually Designed)75-77-75-77-CSRE 200X
Linguistics-2850Additional courses counting toward the 50 unit requirement should form a coherent program of study, and specific courses must be approved by the Undergraduate Adviser.LINGUIST 121; LINGUIST 121A, LINGUIST 121B, LINGUIST 130A; LINGUIST 140; LINGUIST 150
Mathematical & Computational Science--78-84-CS 181W; MATH 109; MATH 110; MATH 120; MATH 171; STATS 155 (previously STATS 166)
Mathematicsup to 15 units4964-MATH 101, MATH 109; MATH 110; MATH 120; MATH 171
Music-62-7862-78 Total units dependent upon selected, optional concentration area3 from the following: MUSIC 140J, MUSIC 141, MUSIC 142, MUSIC 142J, MUSIC 143J, MUSIC 144J, MUSIC 145J, MUSIC 146, MUSIC 146J, MUSIC 147J, MUSIC 147K, MUSIC 147A, MUSIC 147C, MUSIC 148, MUSIC 148J, MUSIC 149, MUSIC 251
Native American Studies402060core curriculum, foundational course, senior researchCSRE 200X
Philosophy-5555course in 194 seriesPHIL 80
Philosophy and Literaturemin. 15min. 4765Gateway course; 194PHIL 80
Philosophy and Religious Studies-60603 seminars; 20 units in each dept. + 20 advanced units from both depts.PHIL 80 or RELIGST 290
Physics21-2359-6080-83-PHYSICS 107
Political Science07070Introductory course in primary and secondary concentration, advanced seminar (200 or 300 level)POLISCI 124R, POLISCI 236, POLISCI 3P / POLISCI 136S; POLISCI 110C; POLISCI 110D; POLISCI 120C; POLISCI 121; POLISCI 124R; POLISCI 132S; POLISCI 148; POLISCI 212C; POLISCI 215; POLISCI 224T; POLISCI 236; POLISCI 240J; POLISCI 243R; POLISCI 293
PsychologyN/A6070-PSYCH 60; PSYCH 70; PSYCH 75; PSYCH 105; PSYCH 138, PSYCH 175
Public Policy4930min. 77PUBLPOL 106, PUBLPOL 154, PUBLPOL 156, PUBLPOL 200H
Religious Studies-6060introductory course, majors' seminar, senior essay or honors thesis, senior colloquiumRELIGST 290
Russian Language & Literature0-1046-56561st- and 2nd- year Russian; Gateway course; capstone; language assessmentSLAVIC 146
Russian Language, Culture, & History12-2036-39561st- and 2nd- year Russian; Gateway course; capstone; language assessmentSLAVIC 146
Russian Literature & Philosophy2140671st- and 2nd- year Russian; Gateway course; capstone; language assessmentSLAVIC 146
Science, Technology, & Society (B.A.)max. 72min. 10min. 82Gateway course; capstoneANTHRO 90C; CS 181W; COMM 142W; COMM 120W; HISTORY 140A; HISTORY 232F; MS&E 193W; MS&E 197
Science, Technology, & Society (B.S.)max. 72min. 10min. 82Gateway course: capstoneANTHRO 90C; CS 181W; COMM 142W; COMM 120W; HISTORY 140A; HISTORY 232F; MS&E 193W; MS&E 197
Slavic Languages and Literatures----SLAVIC 146
Sociology5-1545-5560SOC 200, SOC 202
Spanish03560Gateway course: ILAC 130, ILAC 131; Senior Seminar: ILAC 277; Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)ILAC 201
Studio Art: See Art Practice (Studio)
Symbolic Systems66-81470-85-PHIL 80
Theater and Performance Studies-6060Gateway course; capstoneTAPS 151T, TAPS 161H, TAPS 167H, TAPS 153
Urban Studies34367020 units in concentration; capstone coursesURBANST 203; URBANST 202