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2014–15 At-A-Glance

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President's Fund Giving

Thank you to every member of the President's Fund for making 2014–15 a tremendous success! Together you contributed more than $13 million to support students through The Stanford Fund for Undergraduate Education.

  • This year more than 1,500 donors—including 84 young alumni—gave to The Stanford Fund at the President’s Fund level.
  • President's Fund donors giving $25,000 or more provided 310 Stanford Fund Scholarships.
  • President's Fund gifts accounted for nearly half of the more than $26 million in gifts this year for The Stanford Fund.

Many President's Fund donors also give generously to support athletics, capital projects, research initiatives, faculty, endowed scholarships, and other university priorities. We are grateful to these individuals who have made The Stanford Fund part of their broad-based support for the university.

How are Stanford Fund dollars allocated?

Each year, the president allocates The Stanford Fund to top priorities in undergraduate education. The Stanford Fund supports need-based financial aid, innovative academic programs, and student life. The following stories offer just a few examples of how your gift to The Stanford Fund is making an impact on students' lives.


Financial Aid

Karen CamachoThanks to donors like you, roughly half of all undergraduates received need-based scholarships from the university last year—and more than a third of those received financial aid directly from The Stanford Fund. Karen Camacho says The Stanford Fund made it possible for her to attend the school of her dreams and get "the full Stanford experience." Watch video

Academic Innovation

The Class of 2019 is off to a good start on their academic journey, thanks in part to your gifts. Support from The Stanford Fund provided critical investments in undergraduate education last year, including seed funding for the launch of two new residential programs that bring guest speakers, performances, and lively mealtime discussions to a freshman dorm. Read more

Student Life

DragonboatThe Stanford Fund supported more than 130 student groups, club sports teams, and public service organizations last year. Take a look at some of the groups that received funding, from Stanford Dragonboat to the Society of Women Engineers. These groups provide team-building skills and leadership opportunities, vital components of the Stanford experience. View slideshow

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