Stanford Webinars

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The Stanford Business Webinar Series

Perfect Match: Using Economic Theories to Find the Right Person, Project, or Job
Influencing Up: How to Gain Resources, Permission, and Support
Managing Conflicts in Teams

Past Webinars

Baba Shiv, Sanwa Bank, Limited, Professor of Marketing; Faculty Director, The Innovative Technology Leader Program

Join Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) Professor Baba Shiv for this live webinar as he previews a new Stanford Executive Education program for senior technology leaders, The Innovative Techology Leader, and shares insights from neuroscience that technology leaders need to know to enhance their user's experiences. This one-hour webinar features a 30-minute session that will examine the importance of perception and often non-conscious beliefs in shaping reality when making technological decisions.

Ilya Strebulaev, Associate Professor of Finance

In today's competitive global economy, the role of chief financial officer has expanded, demanding a dynamic blend of finance expertise, strategic thinking, and leadership skills. The Stanford Graduate School of Business Executive Education has created a unique new program, The Emerging CFO: Strategic Financial Leadership Program (ECFO) to provide senior finance executives with insights and tools to make better strategic financial decisions, build strategic partnerships with key stakeholders, and assess their own personal leadership styles to become more effective leaders.

Professor Jesper B. Sørensen, Robert A. and Elizabeth R. Jeffe Professor; Professor of Organizational Behavior; Professor of Sociology (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences; Director of the Center for Social Innovation, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Learn more about our innovative new program for emerging leaders, Executive Leadership Development: Analysis to Action (ELD), during this complimentary webinar led by Stanford GSB Professor Jesper Sørensen. This one-hour online session will introduce ELD and a sample program session: Innovation in Established Companies.