Officers 2014-2015
Durgesh Saraph
Department: School of Business
Adrienne Rose Johnson, Retreat Co-Organizer
Department: Modern Thought and Literature
I am the outgoing Humanities Representative (2011, 2012, 2013 terms), as well as the former Co-Social Chair (2012, 2013 terms). I now serve as one of the two retreat organizers. Please feel free to contact me about serving on the GSC, social events coordination, or the School of Humanities at Stanford!
About me »Xi Cheng, Webmaster
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Cheng is currently a 5th year Ph.D student in Mechanical Engineering. His research is about developing multi-physical models to understand why and how dos the human cornea swell under different situations (e.g. in vivo, in vitro, or pathological conditions). Besides his research, Xi has been serving as the webmaster for GSC for 3 years. This year, Xi works with Bryce and Trevor to reinvent the GSC website.
About me »