Officers 2015-2016
Kali Allison, Funding Chair
Department: Geophysics
As the chair of the funding committee, I work with student groups to make sure events get the funding they need.
Shengkai Wang, Webmaster
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Technical support person responsible for the maintenance and updates of the GSC website
Pau Guinart, Retreat Coordinator
Department: Iberian and Latin American Cultures
I served as the Humanities Representative in 2014-15 and my mission for this term is to make sure that the GSC members have moments of quality time outside the weekly meetings to better know each other and brainstorm new ideas to improve the graduate community at Stanford.
Terence Theisen, Co-Social Events Coordinator
Department: Microbiology and Immunology
As a Social Events Coordinator, our primary goal is to host at least one grad-wide, GSC organized event each quarter. Grad Welcome Back Party in the Fall and Grad Formal in the Spring have become establishments of the graduate student experience at Stanford and during my tenure I strive to develop similar staple events in the Summer and Winter quarters. We are always receptive to help in planning, organizing, and executing events so if you are interested in assisting or have ideas you would like to share, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Eduardo Munoz-Munoz, Diversity Advocacy Committee (DAC) Co-Chair
Department: Graduate School of Education
Having worked as a bilingual teacher in multicultural school district prior to starting my PhD, I am determined to make my Stanford experience (and other’s) one in which diversity is deeply discussed and promoted. 2015-2016 is my second year serving in the DAC, and I would like to take this opportunity to open the DAC to you, reader, so you can use the expertise and resources to make Stanford the place you envision. I am also currently serving as the Academic Chair of the SGSE Student Guild, the VP of the Chicano and LAtino Graduate Association and, while a Graduate Scholar in Residence in El Centro Chicano y Latino, I am also a member of its Guiding Concilio.
Miguel Garcia, Equipment Manager
Department: Biology
The GSC provides sound and visual equipment for registered student organizations. As the equipment manager I help organizations figure out what equipment is needed to get events running. We have speakers, cameras, projectors, an outdoor screen and much more for you to check-out at no cost!
Adrienne Rose Johnson, Humanities Advisor and Co-Advisor to Social Chair
Department: Modern Thought and Literature
I am the former Humanities Representative (2011, 2012, 2013 terms), Co-Social Chair (2012, 2013 terms), and retreat organizer (2014). I now serve as the Humanities Advisor and Co-Advisor to Social Chair. Please feel free to contact me about serving on the GSC, social events coordination, or the School of Humanities at Stanford!