Print Toolkit
Everything you need to create and order business cards, letterhead, envelopes and other print materials.
Who is eligible to order Stanford Stationery?
You must have an official connection with Stanford and be conducting official university business in order to use Stanford business cards and stationery. For more details, please read the University Business Card / Stationery policy.
Stationery Designs
You can choose from among three stationery designs for your business cards, letterhead and envelopes. Each "Master File" downloadable bundle includes an Adobe Illustrator file and a PDF instruction sheet.
Option A: Wordmark Stationery
Letterhead, envelope and business card with Stanford wordmark. The University does not recommend unit signatures on business cards.
Option B: Signature Stationery
Letterhead, envelope and business card with the university signature.
Option C: Signature / Seal Stationery
Letterhead, envelope and business card with the university signature and seal.
Option D: Student Business Cards
Business card with the university signature and Block "S" for student use.