Volume 33, Number 1


How to Permit Your Mammoth: Some Legal Implications of "De-Extinction"

Dr. Norman Carlin, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Ilan Wurman, J.D., Stanford Law School
Tamara Zakim, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Extracting DNA from ancient specimens and using cloning technology to resurrect extinct species has become a staple plot device of wildly popular science fiction novels and films since Jurassic Park. But the prospect that extinct animals may live again no longer belongs solely to the realm of science fiction. “De-extinction” is coming closer to reality, as scientists now are experimenting with a number of methods for resurrecting extinct species. Read more about How to Permit Your Mammoth: Some Legal Implications of "De-Extinction"

  • January 2014
  • 33 Stan.Envtl.L.J. 3
  • Article


Local Government Fracking Regulations: A Colorado Case Study

Joel Minor, J.D. candidate, Stanford Law School

The recent unconventional oil and gas development boom, better known as the “fracking” boom, is rapidly transforming communities from California to New York.  Substantial scholarly attention has focused on state and federal fracking regulations, but little has focused on local regulations.  Articles that have addressed local government regulation have generally considered only whether local governments can regulate fracking, and not how they should do so. Read more about Local Government Fracking Regulations: A Colorado Case Study

  • January 2014
  • 33 Stan.Envtl.L.J. 61
  • Note