Storm Drainage System
Stanford’s storm water runoff is collected in its storm drainage system. The storm drainage system consists of an extensive system of piping and drainage ditches. The campus spans two watersheds: the San Francisquito Creek watershed in the northwest part of campus, and the Matadero Creek watershed in the southeast. Stanford’s SF Cr watershed runoff is conveyed through large pipelines all the way to SF Cr just south of El Camino Real. The Matadero Creek watershed runoff is conveyed to a large Caltrans storm drain along El Camino that conveys storm water to Matadero Creek.
Over the last decade, Stanford has incorporated storm water detention and storm water quality treatment into its drainage system. Detention basins in both watersheds receive runoff from large storms, avoiding increases in peak runoff flow rates. Storm water treatment facilities, including hydrodynamic separation and vegetated swales, have been installed to meet recently established runoff treatment regulations.
The storm drainage system is managed by the Water Services and Civil Infrastructure Group within Utilities Services in the Sustainability and Energy Management Department.