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New Visual Design - Hours & Locations

We are excited to share with you a preview of another section of the new library website. We are especially proud of the new look for Hours & Locations, which makes this critical information much more accessible to patrons. Moreover, this redesign leverages Drupal's content management function to provide library staff with a much simpler, more streamlined back-end process for gathering and displaying hours and location information. This redesigned page and workflow represents a massive work effort and is the result of collaboration among the Library Website Redesign Team, members of DLSS, and Chapter 3. The image below is a snapshot of the layout for this page (note, data shown is for display purposes only). As always, we welcome your feedback about this page.

Hours and Locations mockup

On a related note, as we prepare for the website sneak preview in early November, the Online Experience Group will be contacting many of you soon for your assistance in providing content for various sections of the new site.