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Fixes and enhancements to the library website in March


Each month we tackle some small changes to the library website. Following are some updates of note from March.

Sharing links to posts on social media now pulls the image from the post

When you link to a library blog post on social media, the image from the blog post will now display in your share. For example, you can see below how this blog post about Kurt Cobain shows up on Facebook when shared.

Facebook post showing a recent blog entry from the library website

Special library hours note on the SUL home page and hours page

When the library has special hours (for example extended hours for finals or winter close) it's now possible for specific authorized users to easily add a note to the hours panel on the SUL homepage as well as the top of the hours page. Prior to this change, these had to be manually created by a site administrator.

Image galleries no longer display 1 of 1

If you have an image gallery on your guide or microsite, the paging no longer displays unless there is more than one image in the gallery.

Keyboard access in Google Chrome browser

A fix was applied to the site allowing users of Chrome browser the ability to tab through all the links on each page of the site, an important fix for accessiblity. This already worked in other browsers but was broken in Chrome.

Some other notable content additions

Multiple new microsites have been added to the library website over the last several months, these include: