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Notable collections

Our Subject Librarians collect, curate, and maintain unique and important collections in all formats and subjects, ranging from rare books, maps, and manuscripts to web archives and data sets. Selected notable collections are highlighted here; SearchWorks contains many others.

Computer science professor Donald E. Knuth at the Gates Center.

Papers reflect his work in the study and teaching of computer programming, computer systems for publishing, and mathematics.

Edward A. Feigenbaum, circa 1970s

Primarily concerns his work in artificial intelligence at Stanford University.

MacFarland Collection book plate

MacFarland's long and intensive study of the nudibranchs brought him world-wide recognition as an authority on the life and habits of these animals.

Progymnasmata alchemiae, 1607

Books and manuscripts related to Isaac Newton and the development of the physical sciences in the 17th century.

Frederick E. Terman, Dean of Engineering.

The books in the Terman collection were left to the Engineering Library that bears his name by Dr. Terman upon his retirement.

Frederick Emmons Terman

Documents all phases of his long and influential career as an educator, electronics engineer, administrator, and author.

"Lunar Vehicle Remote Control" (n.d.): still from the earliest film in Stanford Collections showing a prototype lunar rover

Streaming audio and video of a variety of events and activities from Stanford, Silicon Valley, and the larger artificial intelligence community.

Hopkins Marine Station Logo

Papers done by Stanford undergraduates along with student papers from other institutions where Hopkins Marine Station was the study site.

John McCarthy

Materials pertaining to McCarthy's research and his teaching at Stanford and MIT.

Plot of the effects of a 83 kiloton nuclear attack on Washington, DC (centered on the White House). From a briefing to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy by the US Atomic Energy Commission, February 18, 1953, following the successful detonation of the first hydrogen bomb in late 1952. Source: Legislative Archives, National Archives, Washington, DC.

This digital library contains 144,000 pages of source materials from the hearings of the committee from 1946 to 1977.

Philip G. Zimbardo

Research and teaching files, professional files and correspondence, audiovisual materials, professional papers, and materials documenting the Stanford Prison Experiment.

R. Buckminster Fuller

Fuller's versatile career as an architect, lecturer, mathematician, writer, and social critic is documented extensively.

Stephen Timoshenko Collection

Books from the collection of Stephen Prokofyevich Timoshenko (1878-1972), often referred to as the father of applied mechanics in the United States.

Steven Chu, professor of physics, in laser lab.

Papers pertain primarily to topics in physics and include notes, overhead transparencies from his lectures, reprints, articles, memos, proposals, correspondence, charts, drawings, notebooks, and au

Durand-Lesley Propellers

The Durand-Lesley propellers are the surviving artifacts of an experiment in early aviation history which defined a methodology still in use today.

William Shockley

Professional and personal papers documenting research on transistors and electronics; genetic influences on intelligence; and science education.