Table of Contents
Getting started
These tools help you collect, manage, and prepare bibliographies for your research publications. Stanford Libraries provides free access to three citation management tools: Mendeley, RefWorks and EndNote Web. Another web-based tool, Zotero, offers basic features for free.
When you need a book resource and are not certain if one exists try searching in Google Books. It will search the full text even though you may only see a snippet view, or no view at all. You may get lucky and be able to read the page you need when the book is otherwise unavailable. Also lets you search caption text for photos, charts and diagrams.
To activate direct click-through to many Stanford resources, go to the Settings section and put Stanford in the Library Links box. Check all options. Use Google Scholar for quick searches to get up to speed in a topic, but remember is it full of undisclosed gaps, if you don't follow up elsewhere you can miss important research results.
To get help setting up your web browser if you are off-campus, refer to the instruction links on the left side of this webpage.
A reference that covers all areas of science and related fields and has been fully revised by the Council of Science Editors to reflect today’s best practices in scientific publishing. This fully searchable online edition makes it easy to find the answers you need quickly.
Find out whether Stanford has a particular book, conference proceeding, report, video, ect. in the library collection. SearchWorks also can help you locate subscription databases by broad subject coverage.
Getting help
This is a great place to start for topics related to any type of engineering discipline. We also provide quicklinks to the most popular engineering databases.
This library covers the chemical and chemical engineering disciplines that are not covered at the Terman Engineering Library.
You have run into something in a field that you are unfamiliar with and want some help with it from a Stanford subject librarian.
Databases and online subscription resources
Remember to find articles and citations use Databases. To find Books, Conferences volumes, Journal/Magazine titles and database by name and subject type use the SearchWorks online catalog.
Ipswich, Mass. : EBSCO Pub., c2005-
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
A good general source for articles on the business and market aspects of any field.
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
The 16th edition online version of the classic title. The latest edition features "music, foreign languages, and computer topics (such as Unicode characters and URLs)".
Engineering Index / Engineering Village covers the entire spectrum of engineering in depth, with abstracts from over 2,600 international journals, conference papers and proceedings, and technical reports.
[United States] : Institution of Electrical Engineers, INSPEC service, [19--]-
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
Contains citations and abstracts to the literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, telecommunications, computers, control technology, and information technology. Covers journal articles, conference papers, significant books, technical reports, dissertations, and patents. INSPEC is the premier database for physics & related disciplines but also covers areas like systems management and operations research.
[Norwich, N.Y.] : Knovel, 2003-
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
Need a table, equation or graph? Knovel e-books have interactive data in some books. You can export and work with the data. Use the “Data Search” tab.
[New York] : Elsevier, 2004-
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
The world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources. Contains 41 million records, 70% with abstracts including 18,000 titles from 5,000 publishers worldwide and over 3 million conference papers. Particularly strong international coverage of science and technology. Also includes sophisticated tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Linking between ScienceDirect and Scopus is available to access the full text of the article and related research.
A constantly growing, searchable collection of images that spans the scientific, technical and medical fields. The collection gathers photos, graphs, histograms, figures, and tables. Instructions for re-use in your own presentations and papers are given.
San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool, 2005-
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
Synthesis Lectures on Professionalism and Career Advancement for Scientists and Engineers in the Synthesis Digital Library contain helpful resources such as: A Handbook for Analytical Writing: Keys to Strategic Thinking by William E. Winner,
March 2013 and Oral Communication Excellence for Engineers and Scientists by Judith Shaul Norback, July 2013.
March 2013 and Oral Communication Excellence for Engineers and Scientists by Judith Shaul Norback, July 2013.
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
Provides for forward or backward cited searching. With a recent article, you typically use the bibliography to go back in time. In a way, the citation index lets you do the reverse. You can take an older article and see who has cited that article since it was published.
Dublin, Ohio : OCLC,
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » Z695.83 .O3
If Stanford does NOT have the book you need and you want to check whether any other Bay Area or U.S. library may have it. There is also a free public version of this resource.
Santa Fe, N.M.: Deep Web Technologies
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
xSearch lets you search selected subscription electronic resources simultaneously. Most xSearch resources are in the English language and cover business, humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, and area and international studies.