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Russia and Eurasia: find statistics, geographical information and maps

Last Updated: 17-Mar-2015

Find current and historical statistics, geographical information and maps covering Russia, the Soviet Union, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.


Find statistics using SearchWorks

Use SearchWorks to find current and, especially, historical statistics on your topic. Below are some examples of searches and what you can find with them. You can find both online and hardcopy (books and periodicals) formats this way.

Washington, DC : USAID
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
Alternative title: USAID country health statistical report, Uzbekistan. Example of an online resource findable by using SearchWorks with the search: [country] [topic] statistics. Here the search was: Uzbekistan health statistics.
Paris OECD
Stanford University Libraries » Online resource » eResource
Example of an online resource findable by using SearchWorks with the search: [topic] statistics. Here the search was: energy statistics.
Baku : Upravlenie,
Hoover Library » Microfilm » NX2601 MFILM
Find historical and current statistics by looking for statistical serials. Example search: [country] statistics serials. In this case the search was: Azerbaijan statistics serials.
New Haven, Yale University Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, for the Carnegie endowment for international peace, Division of economics and history, 1932.
Hoover Library » Stacks » HC56 .C365 V.16
Book found with this search: Russia World War casualties statistics.
Alma-Ata : [s.n.], 1926-
Hoover Library » Stacks » HC337.K3 N3 OCT./NOV.1931
For economic statistics try looking for publications with "narodnoe khoziaistvo" in their titles. In this case the search was: Kazakhstan narodnoe khoziaistvo.
Khabarovsk, 1925.
Hoover Library » Folios » HA1877 .D3 A25 F
The term "statistics" can be used with geographical entities other than countries. Here the search was: Dalnevostochnyi krai statistics. (Note that this search deliberately leaves out the miagkii znak in the transliterated form "Dal'nevostochnyi.")

Geographical information and maps