Asian Liver Center

In China

Collaborating with Other Public Health Organizations
Since launching its operations in China, the Asian Liver Center (ALC) has forged relationships working at the local, national, and global levels, including the Chinese Medicine Society, the Chinese Nurses Association, the World Health Organization, the International Foundation of the Red Cross, the Chinese Ministry of Health, and over twenty Chinese universities.

The ALC meets with several other public health organizations. Clockwise from the upper-left: the International Foundation of the Red Cross, the Chinese Nurses Association, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Capital Normal University Hospital, the All-China Women’s Federation, the Chinese Center for Disease Control, and the Chinese Ministry of Health. Center: the World Health Organization.

The Stanford Center at Peking University hosts a conference to discuss the future of hepatitis B education in China

Youth Awareness
The ALC works extensively with its university partners to broaden youth outreach and provide technical assistance. In addition to conducting surveys and distributing educational materials, we promote the establishment of Team HBV chapters in Chinese universities and work closely with existing Red Cross Society chapters to promote student action combatting hepatitis B. Through the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, the ALC mobilizes graduate and undergraduate students to be tested and vaccinated. Support from the Beijing Center for Disease Control has allowed students at our partner universities in Beijing to receive free hepatitis B vaccinations.

Above, Dr. So poses with Peking University’s Red Cross Society. Below, students are introduced to Team HBV and its mission.

Lecture Tours
As part of our effort to reach the younger generation, Dr. Samuel So conducted a lecture tour of four major Beijing universities: Peking University, Tsinghua University, Capital Normal University, and the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Other speakers included China WHO intern Philip So, Beijing CDC Hepatitis Control Chief Wei Zhang, and Adam Kerby of the Chinese Communications University.

Students at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine listen intently to a lecture on hepatitis B.

Breaking New Ground
With the completion of the new Stanford Center at Peking University in March 2012, the ALC moved into its new office suite in Beijing. The Stanford Center will serve as our base of operations as we increase our educational and research activities in China, improving local ties and facilitating outreach. Learn more about the Stanford Center at Peking University at

Student volunteers from twenty Jade Ribbon chapters meet at the ALC’s new office.

The interior of the new Stanford Center.

Chipping In
The ALC works closely with student volunteers and interns to bring its activities and events to fruition. We are accepting applications for internship and volunteer positions to assist us. If you are interested in working with us at the Peking ALC, please contact our China program manager Linda Zhang at

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