7/24/2015 – Salary Gap Widens as Top Workers in Specialized Fields Reap Rewards (The New York Times)

Jul 24, 2015 Comments Off by

The very different treatment accorded employees at the very top versus those in the bottom or middle ranks has become a fact of life at corporate offices, law and accounting firms, and other white-collar bastions across the country. For the first time since the economic recovery began six years ago, white-collar professionals with specialized skills in fields like technology, finance, engineering and software find themselves in the catbird seat.But despite the steady addition of more than 200,000 jobs a month and a decline in the official jobless rate to a postrecession low of 5.3 percent, most American workers, including many college graduates, still face lukewarm wage growth at best and very limited bargaining power with bosses.

Read the full article in The New York Times.


Financial Landing 2015

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