The mission of the undergraduate program in Geophysics is to expose students to a broad spectrum of geophysics, including: resource exploration, environmental geophysics, seismology, and tectonics. Students in the major obtain a solid foundation in the essentials of math, physics, and geology, and build upon that foundation with advanced coursework in geophysics to develop the in-depth knowledge they need to pursue advanced graduate study and professional careers in government or the private sector.
Aeronautics and Astronautics
Anthropology is devoted to the study of human beings and human societies as they exist across time and space.
Atmosphere/ Energy
Understand large- and local-scale climate, air pollution, and energy problems and solve them through clean, renewable, and efficient energy systems.
Comparative Literature
While Comparative Literature seeks to prepare its students for reading and research in the languages and histories of different societies and periods, it is also dedicated to their critical and cultural analysis.
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