The CISAC Interschool Honors Program in International Security Studies provides an opportunity for undergraduates with strong academic records and interest in international security from all undergraduate schools and majors to receive Honors in International Security Studies.
Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law
Focus on democracy, economic development, and rule of law subjects in any university department to earn honors in democracy, development, and rule of law.
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Consider questions and issues in feminism, gender, and sexuality through the intersection of race, class, gender, ethnicity, and asexuality to consider interlocking oppression.
Honors in the Arts
Whether you are already studying the arts, or are in an unrelated major, complete a capstone project integrating a broad arts perspective.
Medieval Studies
A multidisciplinary community working together to reveal new perspectives on medieval and early modern studies.
Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Learn more about the Majors site.