Message from the Director
The healthcare challenges that we face as a global society today are complex, but our understanding of its intricacies has grown and continues to grow considerably. We now know more about the ways that education, politics, management, economics, and science are interrelated and together comprise the ecological system in which we live. The health of our society going forward depends upon our ability to care for the environment and all that live in it, to provide resources and opportunities for all members to work and make meaningful contributions, to resolve domestic and international conflicts, and to cultivate tolerance and respect for differences.
Many organizations across the sectors (academia, industry, and government) are in the business of addressing these challenges, and we are pleased to be working closely with a number of excellent employers from all sectors. The task of preparing clinicians and researchers to perform as capable leaders within these various settings is a responsibility that we take seriously and fully embrace here at Stanford. Our trainees in medicine and the life sciences are regarded as among the best in the world within their specialties and disciplines, and we are committed to continually improving the training experience to meet the emerging needs of our society for truly qualified biomedical professionals.
Through the SoMCC, we have developed a variety of co-curricular programs that provide insights into a wide range of professional settings where researchers and clinicians are doing important work. By providing better information about the ways that scientific and medical skills are employed in various settings, we help our trainees to make decisions with greater confidence regarding their own career choices and pursuits. This is beneficial to the individual trainees, valuable to the organizations that employ them, and in an overall sense helpful to society for the way it assures the alignment of people with work that is meaningful, satisfying, and necessary.
We look forward to working with you, whether trainee, alumni, or prospective employer. Please make use of the many resources and features of this website, and return frequently to see the new program offerings, capabilities, and updates that we promise to make on an on-going basis.