Comparative Medicine


The Department of Comparative Medicine’s Histology Lab is located in Edwards R330. It provides a comprehensive range of histological research techniques that include: standard paraffin processing and embedding methods as well as hand processing for larger specimens; special orientation of tissues; serial sectioning, step sectioning, and sectioning of frozen specimens. Special equipment is available to block tissues in a standardized thickness or orientation to match images from MRI, CT, etc. or for unbiased stereology. In addition to the routine hematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E) of paraffin sections, there are special stains to highlight specific cells, tissue components, bacteria, or other cellular elements and immunoperoxidase and apoptosis assays. Many histological techniques are sensitive to methods that are used for freezing or fixing the tissues, and results may depend on appropriate specimen preparation; we suggest consulting with a pathologist before collecting specimens. For more information, contact Pauline Chu ( ) at 650-723-7235.

H&E's : $9.00 (includes processing and embedding)
Unstained slides: $4.00/slide
Process and embed only: $5.50/block
Recut H&E from block: $6.00/slide
Special Stains: $9.00/slide

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