Research Management Group (RMG)

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award

Limited program-the sponsor has reinstated the institutional nomination process. Because Stanford has been invited to submit only five applications, a university-wide internal selection process is required. For physician scientist assistant professors with UTL, MCL, and NTL-R appointments who are within the first four years of their first full faculty appointments. Please see eligiblity below.

# of applicants permitted: 5 (see the internal submission guidelines below)

Internal Cancer Institute deadline: Monday, Dec. 15, 2014, 3:00 p.m. (see internal submission guidelines below)
Jan. 12, 2015-date the final applicant selected by the Cancer Institute internal review committee will be notified to proceed with the full application
Feb. 10, 2015- Research Process Manager (RPM) (in RMG) deadline
Feb. 17, 2015- Sponsor's application deadline

Program overview:

Application Guidelines

Amount of funding:
$150,000/yr x 3 years ($450,000 total costs over 3 yrs) (no indirect costs are provided)
The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation will retire up to $100,000 of any qualifying medical school debt still owed by the awardee.

The Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award supports independent young physician-scientists conducting disease-oriented research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity. The goal is to support the best young physician-scientists doing work aimed at improving the practice of cancer medicine. The program is specifically intended to provide outstanding young physicians with the resources and training structure essential to becoming successful clinical investigators. The goal is to increase the number of physicians capable of moving seamlessly between the laboratory and the patient’s bedside in search of breakthrough treatments.


Other funding restrictions:

Definition of Clinical Research

For the purposes of this award, the Foundation’s definition of clinical research will follow the definition set out in “The NIH Director’s Panel on Clinical Research Report to The Advisory Committee to The NIH Director,” December, 1997.

Excluded from this definition are in vitro studies that utilize human tissues but do not deal directly with patients. In other words, clinical or patient-oriented research is research in which it is necessary to know the identity of the patient(s) from whom the cells or tissues under study are derived.

Preference will be given to research that adheres to the “Handshake Rule,” meaning that the physician will conduct research studies that directly involve patients.

Selection criteria:

Internal Submission Guidelines

By Monday, Dec. 15, 2014, 3 p.m. please send one PDF file containing the following, in the order listed below (title page, scanned copy of the original signed nomination letter, research proposal, biosketch, other support) to:

Denise Baughman
Project Manager
Stanford Cancer Institute

File name:  Last name_Damon_Runyon_Clin_Inv.pdf

You do not have to prepare a budget or submit a PDRF online form for the internal review process, nor do you need to involve your institutional representative (RPM/RMG, OSR).

1) Title Page
Title of this RFA: Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Clinical Investigator Award
Title of your proposal:
PI contact information: (name, title, department, address, email, phone, fax)

2) Nomination letter prepared by your mentor printed on your department letterhead addressed to the Stanford Cancer Institute Internal Review Committee signed by your mentor, division chief and your department chair. The nomination letter must confirm that the nominee can commit a minimum of 80% of their professional effort to the conduct of research and research career development.

3) 4 page Research Proposal (illustrations & references not included in page total)
Font size at least size 12 with half-inch margins. (include specific aims, preliminary results and research design)

4) 4-6 page NIH-format biosketch

5) Other funding--current and pending, sponsor, amount of funding, term as well as start up funds.

Selection Process
The internal proposal packets will distributed to the Stanford Cancer Institute Internal Review Committee which will select the five applicants to represent the School of Medicine. The sponsor's deadline is Feb. 17, 2015.



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