Research Management Group (RMG)

The William T. Grant Foundation
Scholars Program

Limited funding opportunity for assistant professors with UTL, MCL and NTLR faculty appointments whose research has compelling policy or practice implications for the settings of youth ages 8 to 25 in the United States. See the two required topic areas below. A university-wide internal selection process is required.

# of Stanford applicants: 1 from each major division of the university (i.e., GSE-Education, Humanities and Sciences, Medical School.  (See the internal submission guidelines.)

This webpage is for the internal selection process for Medical School, School of Humanities and Sciences and Law School faculty only.
*Note: GSE-Education, c/o Irene Lam, will conduct it's own internal selection process to determine their Scholars Program applicant.

Dean of Research Office internal deadline: Tuesday, April 24, 2017, 5 p.m.(see the internal submission guidelines below)
For the applicant selected:
Sponsor deadline: July 5, 2018

Program guidelines
The program guidelines, links to documents about "successful proposals" and "studying the use of research evidence" can be downloaded from the sponsor's webpage:
(However, please see the internal submission guidelines below.)

Amount of funding: up to $350,000 over 5 years




The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. The program funds five-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand junior researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas. We recognize that early-career researchers are rarely given incentives or support to take such risks, so this award includes a mentoring component, as well as an emphasis on community and collaboration.

Focus areas
We are focused on youth ages 5 to 25 in the United States. We fund research that increases our understanding of:

We seek research that builds stronger theory and empirical evidence in these two areas. We intend for the research we support to inform change. While we do not expect that any one study will create that change, the research should contribute to a body of useful knowledge to improve the lives of young people.

Selection criteria

Selection is based on applicants’ potential to become influential researchers, as well as their plans to expand their expertise in new and significant ways. The application should make a cohesive argument for how the applicant will expand his or her expertise. The research plan should evolve in conjunction with the development of new expertise, and the mentoring plan should describe how the proposed mentors will support applicants in acquiring that expertise.



This internal selection process is for Medical School, School of Humanities and Sciences, and Law School faculty only.
*Note: GSE-Education, c/o Irene Lam, will conduct it's own internal selection process to determine their Scholars Program applicant.

By Tuesday, April 24, 2017, 5 p.m., please one PDF file containing the following in the order listed below.

Jeanne Heschele
Limited Submission Program Coordinator-Vice Provost and Dean of Research Office
Funding Opportunity Administrator-Research Management Group-School of Medicine

PDF file name: Last name_WTGrant_Scholar_2018.pdf

Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR): not applicable. You can submit your internal proposal directly to Jeanne.

1) Title Page:
Name of this RFA: William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Program
Topic (indicate one):
-programs, policies, and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes
-strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth
Proposal Title:
PI Name, title, department, address, phone and email address

2) Nomination letter addressed to the Dean of Research Office Internal Review Committee, signed by the candidate’s mentor and department chair (this letter should also address; a brief assessment of the applicant’s research plan, and a summation of the applicant’s potential, his or her strengths, and areas for growth; his or her current relationship to the applicant, and how the award will add significant value beyond what would normally occur in the relationship; the commitment of the mentor and the department to the candidate,

3) 4 page Research proposal. Identify one of the two required topics your proposal pertains to. Provide an overview of your research project.
Format: single-spaced, 1/2 inch margins, Arial or Helvetica, font size 11 or larger
References, illustrations are not included in the page total.

3) Biosketch/ CV

4) Current and pending other support (list source, term, amount of funding)


Selection process
Your proposals will be reviewed by the Dean of Research Office limited program review committee.





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