
Residency Programs

Combined Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology (AP/CP) Training

The combined program consists of 24 months of structured training in AP and 18 months of structured training in CP.  This is followed by 6 months of flexible training which should be used to integrate aspects of AP and CP.

Structured Training in Anatomic Pathology (24 months)
Note:  This is identical to the 24 structured months for AP only residents.

Structured Training in Clinical Pathology (18 months)
Note: This is identical to the 18 assigned structured months for CP only residents.

Flexible (Integrated) Training in Pathology (6 months)
The remainder of the fourth and final year of required training may be customized by the resident to meet her/his individual needs but she/he will be encouraged to synthesize and integrate ALL areas of diagnostic pathology during this period.

Combined AP/CP training at Stanford may be summarized as:

The laboratory medicine rotations that complete the residents' 18 months of structured CP training are designed to allow the resident to see familiar diagnostic and management problems in different ways. These include genetic and molecular approaches (during the two-month rotation in Genetics), coagulation and special red blood cell studies, the perspective of a community hospital (during the two-month rotation at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System) and the special viewpoint of the pediatric patient (during the one-month rotation in pediatric laboratory medicine).

The final six months of the four years of combined AP/CP training should be customized by residents to allow them to connect all areas of Pathology into one integrated knowledge base. We strongly recommend that this be solidified by doing an additional year of anatomic pathology (either a subspecialty fellowship or the Surgical Pathology fellowship).

Anatomic Pathology (AP) Only Training

Residents complete 24 months of structured training followed by 12 months of flexible training.  The details of the current program of rotations are given below.

Structured Training in Anatomic Pathology (24 months)

Flexible Training in Anatomic Pathology (12 months)
The third year of required training may be customized by the resident to meet her/his individual needs. Residents may apply for our Surgical Pathology Fellowship or do an alternative year of AP training designed in conjunction with the faculty in accord with the trainee’s career plans.  A wide variety of research opportunities also exists.

Clinical Pathology (CP) Only Training

Residents complete 24 months of structured training followed by 12 months of flexible training.  The details of the current program of rotations are given below.

Structured Training in Clinical Pathology (24 months)

Flexible Training in Clinical Pathology (12 months)
The third year of required training may be customized by the resident to meet her/his individual needs.  A wide variety of patient care projects and/or research opportunities (clinical, translational or basic) research exist.

Anatomic Pathology and Neuropathology Training

The program guarantees a position in the neuropathology fellowship program at the time they enter the residency program (assuming the trainee is in good standing). The combined AP/NP training consists of 24 months of AP (the first 24 -month structured portion of the AP only program) and 24 months of neuropathology. The current composition of the 48 months of required combined AP/NP training is as follows:


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