Exercise BehaviorsDuring the past week (even if it was not a typical week for you), how much total time (for the entire week) did you spend on each of the following? (Please circle one number for each question)
ScoringCode each item as the number circled, then covert as follows. If two consecutive numbers are circled, code the lower number (less exercise). If two non-consecutive numbers are circled, do not score the item. For "Other aerobic", try to fit the type of exercise into the existing aerobic categories (i.e., treadmill as "other aerobic equipment), otherwise leave as "other aerobic" (i.e., "dancing"). However, if exercise that is not aerobic, such as yoga or weight training, do not score as aerobic. Yoga, weight training, tai chi, etc., should be scored as "stretching or strengthening". Each category is converted to the number of minutes below. Time spent in stretching or strengthening is the value for item 1. Time spent in aerobic exercise is the sum of the values for items 2 through 6.
CharacteristicsStretching/strengthening (minutes/week) tested on 1,127 subjects with chronic disease. N=51 for test-retest
Aerobic exercise (minutes/week) tested on 1,130 subjects with chronic disease. N=51 for test-restest.
Source of Psychometric DataStanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Study. Psychometrics reported in: Lorig K, Stewart A, Ritter P, González V, Laurent D, & Lynch J, Outcome Measures for Health Education and other Health Care Interventions. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 1996, pp.25,37-38. CommentsWe have used this scale to measure both aerobic and a combination of stretching strengthening exercise for many years. This scale available in Spanish. ReferencesLorig K, Stewart A, Ritter P, González V, Laurent D, & Lynch J, Outcome Measures for Health Education and other Health Care Interventions. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 1996, pp.25,37-38. To download this scale and scoring instructions, right click the link below with your mouse and "Save as" to you hard disk or desktop (for Windows), or double click (Mac):