Precursor B Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
- Lymphoma with morphologic and immunologic features of precursor B cells; at presentation the primary site of involvement must not be bone marrow or peripheral blood
Alternate/Historical Names
- Lymphoblastic lymphoma, convoluted or non-convoluted
Diagnostic Criteria
- Morphologically indistinguishable from B Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Presence of a mass lesion and <25% blasts in marrow required for diagnosis of lymphoma
- Criteria for separation are arbitrary
- >80% of precursor B neoplasms are leukemic
- Precursor B leukemia and lymphoma are considered manifestations of the same disease
- Presence of a mass lesion and <25% blasts in marrow required for diagnosis of lymphoma
- Diffuse effacement of node architecture
- No true nodular pattern
- May be pseudonodular with fine fibrous bands
- Rare partial node involvement
- Paracortical and parafollicular
- Frequent soft tissue involvement
- Fragile cells may show crush or smear artifact
- No true nodular pattern
- Small to medium sized cells in most cases
- Atypical or large cell variant
- Reported in 10% of cases
- Slightly larger nuclei
- May contain nucleoli
- No clinical significance
- Atypical or large cell variant
- Round to oval nuclei with fine chromatin
- Thin nuclear membrane
- Nucleoli few and inconspicuous
- Convoluted nuclear membranes in most cases
- Frequent mitotic figures
- Scant cytoplasm
- Imprints show rare vacuoles and coarse PAS+ granules
- Immature B phenotype
Yasodha Natkunam MD PhD
Robert V Rouse MD
Department of Pathology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford CA 94305-5342
Original posting:: May 1, 2006