Pubertal Macromastia
- Massive diffuse breast enlargement in a young woman
Alternate/Historical Names
- Juvenile hypertrophy
- Physiologic hypertrophy
- Virginal hypertrophy
- Juvenile gigantomastia
Diagnostic Criteria
- Diffuse, massive enlargement
- No discrete masses
- May be asymmetric or unilateral
- May weigh several kilograms
- Usually occurs in adolescence
- Most cases in range 10-17 years
- Recurrences may occur later
- Histologic features similar to gynecomastia
- Predominantly fibrous tissue
- May be hyalinized or loose fibrous tissue with fat
- Ducts present, may show epithelial hyperplasia
- Lobules absent or poorly formed
- Predominantly fibrous tissue
Richard L Kempson MD
Robert V Rouse MD
Department of Pathology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford CA 94305-5342
Original posting: May 27, 2006