Surgical Pathology Criteria

Hypocellular Myelodysplastic Syndrome


Diagnostic Criteria

Myelodysplastic Syndromes

  Circulating Blasts Marrow Blasts Ring Sideroblasts Dysplastic Lineages Cytopenias
RCUD <1% <5% <15% Any 1 lineage 1 or 2
RARS 0 <5% ≥15% Only erythroid 1 or 2
RCMD <1% <5% Variable 2 or more lineages 1, 2 or 3
RAEB-1 <5% 5-9% Variable 1 or more 1, 2 or 3
RAEB-2 5-19% 10-19% or Auer rods Variable 1 or more 1, 2 or 3
del(5q) <1% <5% Variable Frequently hypolobated small megakaryocytes Usually 1 (anemia)


Dita Gratzinger MD PhD
Tracy I George MD
Department of Pathology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford CA 94305-5342

Original posting: 10/23/11

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