You are here: Home : Sustainable Transportation : Vanpools


Want a ride from your neighborhood to Stanford? Join a vanpool! They're currently running all over the Bay Area. Want to form your own vanpool? Our free Ridematching Services can link you with other Stanford commuters from your neighborhood.

Now serving Alameda, Berkeley, Manteca, San Francisco, Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley and Tracy.

On this page:

What is a vanpool?

A commuter vanpool is a group of seven to fifteen people who ride to and from work each day in a comfortable passenger van. Vanpooling generally costs about the same each month as you now pay for gasoline alone. Arrive at work relaxed, refreshed, and ready for your day. Save wear and tear on your car, too.

You can ride most vanpools on a full-time or occasional basis, whichever fits your schedule. Full-time passengers have reserved seats and ride on a month-to-month basis. Occasional passengers ride on a space-available basis and pay a set fee per trip. And if you're the driver, you get free use of the van after-hours!

Incentive programs reward you for not driving alone.

Vanpool members can apply for Commute Club and qualify to receive up to $300 a year in Clean Air Cash.

Eligible employees may purchase commuter checks with pre-tax dollars via payroll deduction, and may use commuter checks to pay for part of their vanpool expenses! The exact amount saved by each individual will vary.

How does vanpooling work?

Drivers and riders benefit by:

Drivers are responsible for:

Drivers are rewarded by:

Riders are responsible for:

Riders are rewarded by:

Get on the road. And stay on the road.

Once you're up and running, you'll be assigned consultants who are committed to the smooth operation of your vanpool. They'll help fill your empty seats, coach you through any personal conflicts that may arise, and even advise you on matters of "vanpool etiquette."

Stanford vanpool subsidy

Effective April 1, 2014, each official Stanford vanpool will receive a $300 per month subsidy to be paid by P&TS. This subsidy is intended to defray the cost of the van, subsidize gas expenses, subsidize empty seats, encourage the creation of a reserve fund to cover temporary periods of empty seat(s), or defray other operating costs of the van. Learn more about the vanpool subsidy program.

New vanpools

The following vanpools are looking for new members:

Current vanpools


In case of an emergency

"But what if my child gets sick and I have to leave immediately?"
"But what if my vanpool driver has to leave for an emergency?"
"But what if my neighbor calls to tell me my house is on fire?"

The answer to these and other issues is Stanford's free Emergency Ride Home program. You are automatically enrolled in ERH when you join the Commute Club. Not eligible for the Commute Club? You can still pre-register for the Emergency Ride Home program if you meet eligibility requirements.

What if I need to run an off-campus errand?

Join the Commute Club, and you're eligible for up to 12 free hourly car rentals a year. If you are a Commute Club Zipcar member, you also receive up to $102 a year in Zipcar credit.