
Stanford scientists use 'virtual earthquakes' to forecast Los Angeles quake risk

Stanford scientists have developed a new "virtual earthquake" technique and used it to confirm a prediction that Los Angeles would experience stronger-than-expected ground motion if a major quake occurred along the southern San Andreas Fault.

Stanford scientists eavesdrop on erupting volcano's astonishing seismic sound

Stanford geophysicists listened in on the 2009 eruption of the Redoubt Volcano outside Anchorage, Alaska. By studying and modeling the accelerating earthquakes preceding the volcano's blasts, the scientists hope to better predict the behavior of future volcanic eruptions.

Earthquake acoustics can indicate if a massive tsunami is imminent, Stanford researchers find

Stanford scientists have identified key acoustic characteristics of the 2011 Japan earthquake that indicated it would cause a large tsunami. The technique could be applied worldwide to create an early warning system for massive tsunamis.

Himalayas and Pacific Northwest could experience major earthquakes, Stanford geophysicists say

Research by Stanford scientists focuses on geologic features and activity in the Himalayas and Pacific Northwest that could mean those areas are primed for major earthquakes.

Carbon capture and storage likely to cause earthquakes, say Stanford researcher

Stanford geophysicists say earthquakes triggered by underground CO2 storage, while probably too small to cause major damage, could release stored CO2 into the atmosphere.

Stanford's Quake-Catcher Network detects a tremor 10 seconds before the shaking reaches campus

The Quake-Catcher Network, a web of sensors plugged into the computers of 2,000 volunteers, detected the shaking of an earthquake in less time than it took the motion to travel about 45 miles through the ground from the epicenter to the Stanford campus.

Stanford scientists' computer models help predict tsunami risk

Stanford scientists are using complex computational models to solve the puzzle of the devastating tsunami that struck Japan earlier this year and predict where future tsunamis might occur.

Stanford team shows Peruvian villagers how to protect adobe buildings from earthquake collapse

After Stanford students and faculty taught residents of a village high in the Andes Mountains how to use "geomesh" to retrofit adobe buildings, the local schoolhouse is a lot safer.

Italian trial of seismologists highlights need for systematic quake forecasting, Stanford scientist says

The manslaughter trial of six Italian seismologists highlights the need for scientists to put more effort into explaining their work to the public, says Stanford geophysicist Greg Beroza. He calls for seismologists to regularly issue "earthquake forecasts" to help the public understand changes in the likelihood of a major earthquake occurring.

Stanford geophysicist offers insight into the Virginia earthquake

The August 2011 earthquake in Virginia was not a geological surprise, according to Stanford geophysicist Mark Zoback. The interior of the continent is in a state of stress that periodically gives way, causing earthquakes both large and small.

'Citizen-seismologists' sought to host tiny earthquake sensors on their computers

Six thousand tiny seismic sensors are seeking homes – or offices, or classrooms – where they can take up residence. The matchbox-size sensors are part of a new phase of the Quake Catcher Network, a project that is building the densest networks of seismic sensors ever devoted to studying earthquakes.

Unusual earthquake gave Japan tsunami extra punch, Stanford scientists say

The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March, 2011 were generated on a fault that didn't rupture in the usual fashion, according to researchers at Stanford and the University of Tokyo. The rupture initially shot westward, then slowed in that direction while the fault began rupturing rapidly eastward.

Blogging and drilling, Stanford researcher shares the joys of seagoing earthquake research

Onboard the oceangoing research ship the JOIDES Resolution, Jennifer Saltzman is busily blogging, broadcasting and helping with the research as the expedition drills into an earthquake zone off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The researchers are seeking to better understand how subduction zones trigger earthquakes, such as the one that recently savaged Japan.

Engineers design self-righting buildings that survive quake test in style

Stanford engineers and others create a structural design that lets buildings rock during earthquakes, then pull themselves into plumb when the shaking stops, confining damage to replaceable steel "fuses."

Stanford professor resolves to boost earthquake construction education

The stark contrast between Haiti and Chile in the number of deaths and the damage to buildings shows the importance of understanding and implementing life-saving building standards.

Stanford engineer compares energy from Haiti quake to a nuclear blast

In a video report, Anne Kiremidjian, professor of civil and environmental engineering, explains why so many buildings collapsed in Haiti when the island nation was struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on Jan. 12, 2010.

Going vertical: Flee tsunamis by moving up, not out, researchers advise

When the next big earthquake strikes Indonesia, a tsunami could follow close behind, killing thousands of people stuck in traffic jams while attempting to evacuate. Stanford researchers suggest lives can be saved if those residents take refuge instead in nearby tall buildings – but only after those buildings are strengthened to withstand big waves.

Large, impending quakes may broadcast warnings

Like geological ninjas, earthquakes can strike without warning. But there may be a way to detect the footfalls of large earthquakes before they strike. A Stanford professor thinks a method to provide just such warnings may have been buried in the scientific literature for over 40 years.

Scientists explain source of mysterious tremors emanating from fault zones

Tiny tremors and temblors recently discovered in fault zones from California to Japan are generated by slow-moving earthquakes that may foreshadow catastrophic seismic events, according to scientists at Stanford University and the University of Tokyo.

Tiny tremors, temblors may offer clues about large quakes

The elusive science of earthquake prediction has been reinvigorated in recent years with the discovery of "non-volcanic tremors"—faint vibrations that originate deep inside active fault zones.

Study: 'Silent quakes' may foreshadow more destructive temblors

A team of American geoscientists is urging colleagues around the world to search for evidence of tiny earthquakes in seismically active areas, such as the Pacific Northwest, that are periodically rocked by powerful temblors of magnitude 8 and higher.

Experts fear impacts of quake on Delta

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake could severely damage the San Francisco Bay Delta levee system and cut off vital water supplies for millions of Californians, according to findings presented by a panel of experts at a press conference in the Blume Earthquake Engineering Center.

Geophysicists revisit 'The Big One,' create new quake model

Almost a century after the 1906 earthquake, Stanford geophysicists have revisited San Francisco's "Big One" and now paint a new picture of a fault that was ready to go and that ruptured farther and faster than previously supposed.

The 'Great San Francisco Earthquake' revisited

In this video report, Stanford geophysicist Gregory Beroza presents new animation based, in part, on his recent study suggesting that the 1906 quake was much bigger than earlier estimates.